[Vision2020] Doug, sodomites, Iraqis and abortion
david sarff
davesway at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 28 13:26:57 PDT 2006
I also agree that post birth life should be considered as valuable as
in-utero life.
Are not Gametes contained within bodies as valuable as Zygotes contained
within bodies?
If its OK for one adult to make the decision to volunteer ones life ( and
ones gametes) in War, and that, it is better than having the Government
force you into war and possible death against your will. One should
certainly be able to make the adult decision to expend ones Zygotes without
the Government deciding for you.
Life is contiguous. We could do better to equally respect it at all stages.
Seems we have a lot of work to do there though.
D Sarff
>Your last line, where you assert that you'd rather have a "live sodomite or
>Iraqi" rather than "a garbage pail full of little baby body parts," is
>sickening. And I say this as someone who is more sympathetic to the
>pro-life position than the pro-choice position, as long as pro-life means
>post-birth until death and not just in-utero life.
>So what are we to make of such a declaration? Is it that as horrible you
>think the existence of live-born "sodomites or Iraqis" is, it's at least
>better than abortion? Do you think you deserve a Biblical fidelity medal
>for that one? Do you move up in the ranks of pro-life men of chest in- and
>outside of the Kirk by making such a patently offensive statement? Is your
>wife more proud of you?
>Are you putting on the armor of Christian soldierhood by hitting three
>targets -- defending unborn life, condemning homosexuals, AND showing
>hatred of the "enemy," all in one fell swoop?
>You're quite the man, aren't you?
>Or, as I've often thought, you truly are something else. I pity you.
>From: heirdoug at netscape.net
>To: joekc at adelphia.net, donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Fwd: Is there a correlation between "Fore
>Gras"Killing Babies!
>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 13:19:03 -0400
>I was waiting to reply to the topic when I had more time. But your comment
>about how long an abortion took caught my eye.
>I got this info off of the Planned Barrenhood site. (Thanks Tom-Tom for the
>"How Medication Abortion Works
>There are three steps for medication abortion:
>Your clinician will give you a dose of either mifepristone or methotrexate
>at the clinic.
>Mifepristone — blocks the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the
>lining of the uterus breaks down, ending the pregnancy.
>Methotrexate — stops the growth of the pregnancy in the uterus. It can
>also stop the growth of pregnancies that develop in a fallopian tube —
>ectopic pregnancies.
>You will take a second medication — misoprostol. Misoprostol softens the
>cervix and causes the uterus to contract and empty.
>You and your clinician will plan the timing and place for the second step
>— you may take the second medicine at home. Or you may need to return to
>the clinic. Your clinician will give you instructions on how to take it.
>You will take the misoprostol
>up to three days after taking mifepristone
>about five days after taking methotrexate
>After you take the misoprostol you will most likely start to bleed heavily
>within hours or days. This is the abortion. You may see large blood clots
>or tissue at the time of the abortion.
>You will return to your clinician for a follow-up visit within two weeks.
>Follow-up visit. Your clinician needs to make sure the abortion is complete
>and that you are well. You will need an ultrasound or blood test.How Long
>an Abortion Takes
>Medication Abortion
>Medication abortion is a process that begins immediately after taking
>mifepristone or methotrexate. Some women may begin bleeding before taking
>misoprostol. For most, the bleeding and cramping begin after taking the
>More than 50 percent of women who use mifepristone abort within four or
>five hours after taking misoprostol. Bleeding may continue for about 13
>days. Spotting can last for a few weeks. About 92 percent of mifepristone
>abortions are completed within a week. About 75 percent of methotrexate
>abortions are completed within a week. But in 15-20 percent of women it can
>take up to four weeks."
>Now who is suffering.....? I love that argument about having compassion for
>the woman.
>It's all about money and who is raking it in by raking "it" out!
>As to your lame argument about not knowing what Care Net of the Palouse
>does with your money here is their web page
>http://www.carenetofthepalouse.org/ so you can read for your self.
>lemeno, Doug!
>PS. Did you know that the "Pill" has a chemical in it that will cause an
>abortion if one happens to slip by?
>PPS: I would rather have a live sodomite or Iraqi than a garbage pail full
>of little baby body parts!
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