[Vision2020] Vision2020 Digest, Vol 2, Issue 209

Megan Prusynski megan at meganpru.com
Fri Aug 18 10:16:31 PDT 2006

Why thank you for the lovely welcome to the "intoleristas." I find it  
funny that that name came from someone quite intolerant...

And as for the foie gras, the suppliers in the US and elsewhere all  
have the same practice (as seen in several undercover investigations  
into these suppliers), in fact, to make foie gras one has to induce a  
liver disease. That is why it gets fatty, because the ducks & geese  
are so overfed that their liver swells and they become very sick,  
often unable to move or do anything they would do normally. There is  
no way to produce foie gras without force-feeding the animals and  
inducing the disease. Foie gras is not a delicacy, it is a disease.

It's great that the restaurant offer free-range chicken instead of  
factory farmed chicken, but it seems that your "ethics" are quite  
skewed, this doesn't make up for the fact that foie gras is just  
about the most cruel way to produce a meat (fat?) that is totally  
unnecessary and considered a "delicacy." I hope you'll consider  
making a higher degree of ethics universal throughout the restaurant.  
I would love to offer you more information on this subject, or some  
videos so you can see exactly what goes into foie gras production.  
Many restaurants, states (including California) and countries  
(including the UK & Switzerland) have banned it because producing it  
requires cruelty and there is much public outcry against it.

I would be happy to eat at the restaurant if you're willing to take  
foie gras off the menu (assuming you offer vegetarian and vegan  
options). Until then, I'd be even happier to protest it. I hope we  
can have a civilized discussion about this, but if not, be prepared  
to deal with protesters. :)

Here's a video showing what was revealed at an undercover  
investigation of a foie gras "farm": http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/ 

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