[Vision2020] Jesus did NOT say it

debismith at moscow.com debismith at moscow.com
Wed Aug 16 21:14:55 PDT 2006

Well, first they throw a little stink-bomb in the door as they leave. 

If (as amply demonstrated  in the case of the Dougs) you can't really use logic, if your vaunted 
rhetoric is just drivel, and if shining the light of reason under your rock pains you dreadfully, it's 
best to throw a nastygram and stick out your tongue....Lame-oDoug can say neener-neener 
and tell us his dad can beat up our dads, but he still is a legless robot in an ass kicking 
contest (hasn't got a leg to stand on, as my granny might say).

And what's with the questions about who preaches what gospel---this proves nothing except 
that he continues to be self-referencing about everything....no, wait, that's the party line....
Debi R-S

Ralph Nielsen again:

This kind of retort is typical of how the fundamentalist usually  
responds when he can't find anything wrong with what has been said.  
He ducks and runs away.

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