[Vision2020] My apologies for bad format

Joan Opyr joanopyr at moscow.com
Mon Apr 24 11:03:38 PDT 2006

Dear Visionaries:

I apologize for the screwed up typographical format of my last message.  I'm using First
webmail and sending from a Holiday Inn wireless connection in Vancouver, WA.  I hate
read-because-they're-badly-formatted messages myself, and so I'm sorry to have sent ya'll

BTW, it's a lovely day over here.  The sun is shining, the Holiday Inn's continental
breakfast was 
not half-bad, and we're on our way in a few minutes to Portland's Japanese Garden.  If you

haven't been there, I'm sorry.  It's the sort of place that remaps the better parts of
your brain.  
Peaceful, thoughtful, and a beautiful.  So unlike all of that wonderfully violent anime I
watching on Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim."

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

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