[Vision2020] Submitted for Your Amusement

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 13:17:21 PDT 2006

I'm a full-time university student, and today we had a debate where
participants had to take the opposite side of an issue. I thus became
a rabid Bush-worshipping Republican.  Here was the speech I presented,
submitted for your amusement.


As our Commander-in-Chief has said: ""You're either with us or against
us in the fight against terror."  That's what I'm here to tell you
today; with our troops serving bravely in this war, it is the ultimate
betrayal to question the motives of the man appointed by God to lead
our county, which is what many of the unpatriotic, ungrateful
malcontents in our society have attempted to do.  Shame on you.  Shame
on you for dishonoring the men and women in uniform who have died for
us, like Jesus died for us.

John Kerry's own peers revealed the truth about his service in
uniform, about his la-de-da three Purple Hearts, his Silver Star, and
his Bronze star, which we all know were handed out like candy to
anybody who needed a Band-Aid.

When that manly Texan landed on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham
Lincoln, my heart beat so loud in my chest that I nearly cried.  I
watched this bit of history-in-the-making on the news, where clearly
visible on the flight deck was the famous banner proudly stating:
"Mission Accomplished."  We did accomplish our mission, which was to
show the world that America was strong and resolute and would not
submit to terrorism.

Many Americans say that Bush lied about the reasons for entering the
war.  They forget about the lies of immorality and infidelity that
Slick Willie perpetrated with that intern.  "I did not have sex with
that woman." Mr. Clinton said.  That was perjury!  He was impeached by
our duly elected House of Representatives for PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION
OF JUSTICE!  Clinton was only the second president in US history to be
impeached, the first one being Andrew Johnson in 1868, who, I must
point out, was also a Democrat!  Yet the unpatriotic flag burners
among us try to besmirch the integrity of our God-fearing President

Since our attack on Iraq to defeat Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and remove
the WMD's that we KNOW are there, America has become a stronger and
more secure country.  We now have Homeland Security and the Patriot
Act to protect us.  We keep hundreds of proven Middle Eastern
conspirators at Guantanamo Bay and there they will stay until we find
them guilty in a court of law and they are never able to strike at us

Saddam Hussein was an evil insane dictator who used biological and
chemical weapons on his own people.  That his country controlled much
of the world's oil was irrelevant.  We were liberating the people of
Iraq to take down a terrorist regime that was a key player in the axis
of evil.  We invaded Iraq not for oil but to make America and the
world a safer place.  Not everyone was on our side, but those people
can eat their Freedom Fries.

Suppose for a moment that the liberals were right, that the invasion
of Iraq did proceed under false pretexts.  Our troops may have died
under false pretexts.  I say, so what?  You can never be too safe when
it comes to biological or chemical weapons.  When you are fighting
pure evil, the ends always justify the means.  If preemptive action is
necessary to ensure the peace of America and the world, it is worth
the cost.  Generals have understood this for centuries.

Suppose for a moment that oil was the motivation?  Is this so wrong,
that the most mighty and moral nation on earth, protected by God,
should keep itself in a position of power so that it might be the
shining beacon of democracy throughout the world?
Maybe, in the final analysis, Anne Coulter was right.  "We should
invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to
Christianity. We carpet-bombed German
cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war."


In case this is not manifestly clear, I do not believe ANY of what I wrote


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