[Vision2020] Tha Auntie Establishment and Brother Carl Show (April 16, 2006)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Apr 16 17:03:46 PDT 2006

Greetings Visionaires -

This week's show established a new standard in editorial broadcasting as
Auntie and Bro "C" took off their gloves and drew a line in the sand by
presenting a letter written by Keely Mix concerning the irresponsible claim
of "religious persecution" in response to a complaint that some local
homeowners are subletting their residences as boarding houses in clear
violation of Moscow's zoning coed.  In addition to this controversial
discussion, among other topics, Auntie and Bro "C" also commented on Bush's
improbable, more-than-likely intended invasion of Iran, Maureen Dowd on the
Bush administration, and Molly Ivins' article on global warming.

Auntie, on behalf of the Church of Auntie Establishment, officially declared
the Doobie Brothers as the Church Band.

In recognition of your announcement, Auntie, I would like to make my
recommendation for your proclamation of the official song for the Church of
Auntie Establishment, home of . . .

"The South City Midnight Lady"

"South city midnight lady
I'm much obliged indeed
You sure have saved this man whose soul was in need
I thought there was no reason
For all these things I do
But the smile that sent out returned with you."

If for some reason you were unable to tune in, this week's show is available
for your downloading and listening pleasure at:


In keeping with my weekly dedications, this week's song goes out to Don
Huskey, who, although retired from the United States Marine Corps, remains a
man of strong conviction as evidence by his recent complaint concerning
zoning violations, thus demanding that such violators be held accountable.
This complaint further depicts the virtual meteorologist in Don Huskey, as
the complaint itself predicts a . . .

"Change in the Weather"

"High noon, I can't believe my eyes,
Wind is ragin', there's a fire in the sky.
Ground shakin', everything comin' loose,
Run like a coward but it ain't no use.
Edge of the river, it's an ugly scene,
People gettin' pushed, people gettin' mean.
The change is comin' and it's gettin' late,
Ain't no survivin', and there ain't no escape."

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho


And why shouldn't the rich pay taxes?

"The people that write laws are greedy.  They need money to buy votes.  What
better way to get it than to extract it, by force of law, from the
relatively few who can afford the nicer things in life.  If you can buy
something nice then you can pay more taxes so that politicians can give
something to the 'poor' and take a cut for themselves."
- Varnel W. (March 20, 2006)


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