[Vision2020] Re: And the award for genuine tolerance goesto.................

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 3 06:54:02 PDT 2006

Tony writes:
  "PS:Please advise DJA that the Supreme Court didn't appoint Bush, the   American People ELECTED him." 
  The people in the United States do not elect the President, Tony. If you doubt me, please look at the US Constitution.
  Second, if the people in the United States did in fact elect the  President, Gore would have won in 2000. Bush only won in 2004 because  he abused his powers as President between 2001 and 2004. 
  Take Care,
ToeKneeTime at aol.com wrote:          Sunil,
  Attacks  on the Supreme Court have come from various sources, yes.  But  would you deny a pattern over the last 30 some years by the left to use  the courts in a more activist manner in pursuit of its agenda?   Roe v Wade for example?
  With regard to  Lincoln, are you unaware of the preoccupation over Old Abe's sexual  orientation swirling about among historians?  It is my  understanding that the consensus is now that these speculations had no  grounding in objective reality but emanated from quarters with a  predictable social agenda.
  Public  education attacked by the left?  Apparently we are not from the  same planet.  Yours appears to be surrounded by a thick, morbid  fog which prevents a clear view of reality.  I've spoken to a fair  number of educators over the last 25 years who bemoan their inability  to discipline their students, to prepare and present their own local  curriculum via their own methods free from the tyranny of federal  edict.  Course I'd have to admit here that Bush has failed to call  for the elimination of the Department of Education.......
  Best,  --Tony
  PS:Please advise DJA that the Supreme Court didn't appoint Bush, the   American People ELECTED him. :)
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