[Vision2020] Response to Chasuk

Nick Gier ngier at uidaho.edu
Thu Sep 29 22:51:30 PDT 2005


I would like Aaron Rench to identify the three individuals that we see and 
hear in the film My Town.  To be more specific, they are the three that are 
in view when the interviewer asks Steve Wilkins whether he believes that 
only propertied males can vote.  Wilkins answers "Yes" and the two others 
(Wilson and Grant) nod in approval.  This is not just a historical 
question, as Roy Atwood wants to explain it away, because Wilson then adds 
his anti-democratic joke about the two coyotes and the lamb deciding what 
to eat for lunch.  Added to this is Rose's quotations from Credenda 
Agenda.  It is you who have a contradiction on your hands.

If Wilkins and Wilson allow blacks property owning males to vote, then 
there is no racism, but there is still no equality before the law.  Besides 
just because I accept Wilson's own words that he is not a racist doesn't 
mean that he is not one.

Nick Gier

"The god you worship is the god you deserve."
~~ Joseph Campbell

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