[Vision2020] Not a city resident

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 28 22:48:27 PDT 2005


Thanks for making my points for me. Your wrote:

"Then we have no business in Iraq, Pakistan, etc."

You are absolutely right! We have no business in Iraq
and Pakistan. We do not have the right to determine
their leaders, their constitution, their values, the
size and form of their government and military, and
what programs are to be taught in their schools. 

You continued with:

"For example, many Moscow residents protest the
> possibility of clay mining in Bovill and Deary.  The
> County listened to their opinions because they
> determined that their decisions might impact Moscow
> residents."

No, the county listened to the residents of Latah
County on a Latah County issue.

But again, you helped make my point. There is not need
for me, as a Moscow Resident, to have a voice in local
Deary matter because we do have a county, state, and
federal government where I do have a voice. If we did
not have any control over federal, state, and county
governments, then we would have mess when a city does
something that impacts areas outside their territory.
But thankfully, we have a system that allows Deary
only issues to be voted on by the residents only in
Deary, and items that may extend outside Deary, like
mining and resource use, are regulated by the county,
state, and federal government where we do have an
equal say. 

And just because you own property in an area does not
always give you the right to vote in that area.
Otherwise, a millionaire with 10 homes in ten states
would get 10 times the voting power of a person with
only one home in one state.
I do however, believe that property owners do have a
right to protect their home and property, which is why
we have state and federal regulations protecting
property owners.

Again, if you disagree with the current system of
representation, you should petition the government for

Take Care,

Donovan J Arnold 

PS, I hope everything is going well with you and Jeff
and the kids in your new home Barbara. It was
unfortunate for Moscow to lose the both of you. 

--- Jazzingbabs1 at cs.com wrote:

> Donovan,
> Then we have no business in Iraq, Pakistan, etc. 
> Because Moscow is the economic engine of the county,
> the impact of decisions made in the Moscow have an
> impact on persons living in rural Latah County and
> sometimes in Washington.  We all need to be aware
> that decisions made by local decision makers
> sometimes have an impact outside the legal boundary
> of the area.  
> For example, many Moscow residents protest the
> possibility of clay mining in Bovill and Deary.  The
> COunty listened to their opinions because they
> determined that their decisions might impact Moscow
> residents. 
> Barbara Crouch,
> No longer a Moscow resident - but still a property
> owner :)

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