[Vision2020] Certificates of Occupancy are not Zoning Certificates

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 26 01:24:25 PDT 2005


According to my dictionary, one definition of a clerk

"Government worker who keeps records; somebody who
keeps official transcripts and other records of a
legislative or other official body.

Clerk may not be his official title, but it does fit
within his job description. 

As for the other locations being in violation of city
code I suggest you go talk to Randy Fife, the Moscow
City attorney.

 Most cities in the United States have many violations
of their city code because city workers and law makers
are busy doing other things, like being productive.
However, they are fortunate enough not to have a few
loud hecklers, mostly living outside the city, try to
waste their time correcting them all or enforcing
outdated unjust laws. 

Who knows Rose, maybe your house is in violation of
zoning code, did you check to make sure all the "i"s
were dotted and the "t"s crossed when it turned from
an agriculture zone to a housing zone? Better check
and insist on the law being enforced. And while ya'll
at it, better make sure every prisoner when released
is given a horse and a $50 gold piece too-It be da law
here in Idaho now for long time!

Donovan J Arnold

--- DonaldH675 at aol.com wrote:

> Donovan,
> What other non-profits and businesses downtown  are
> improperly  situated?  
> And, just for your information, Joel Plaskon is not
> a  clerk.
> Rose  Huskey
> Who speaks for the chickens, people?   Who?

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