[Vision2020] Moscow Medical VIsion Statement

DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Sun Sep 18 11:42:36 PDT 2005

For those of you who believed that disease was caused organically, Drs.  
Grauke, Rice, and Brown would like to revisit and re-instruct you on that  issue.  
(I added the bolding).
"We recognize that medical care involves more than treating illness and  that 
man is made in the image of God, having aspects including body, emotions,  
spirit, and soul. We endeavor to use the highest standards of scientific  
medicine, treating our patients as we ourselves want to be  treated.

We do not believe that sickness and death are natural  processes, but are 
rather an enemy of God introduced into the world through the  sin of mankind in 
Adam. Because of the redemption purchased by Christ, we seek  to extend his 
kingdom through the ministry of  healing.

We believe all illness has meaning under the  providence of God and seek 
healing of the whole person through a right  relationship with Christ.

Because of the sanctity of God's law,  we affirm the dignity of human life. 
We oppose abortion and euthanasia, and all  other attempts to usurp the 
prerogatives of God.

We affirm the  responsibility toward the poor and needy. We endeavor to give 
our time and  resources in serving the poor and medically underserved peoples 
in our community  and around the world. At the same time, we oppose the idea 
of medical care as a  basic human right."
Frankly, words fail me.  I'm wondering if the use of antibiotics or  
anti-viral agents usurp the prerogatives of God?  If nothing else  about Christ Church 
chills the blood of Moscow residents this mission statement  should.  
I need hardly add that Dr. John Grauke is a Christ Church member, sits  on 
the NSA board and has been a regular contributor to Credenda Agenda over the  
years.  Dr. Rice (and presumably his family) also attend Christ  Church.
Rose  Huskey

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