[Vision2020] I Bind Myself unto the Kirk

Benton Falkirk bentonfalkirk at lycos.com
Fri Sep 16 12:09:01 PDT 2005


You may recall that I asked Doug Wilson to post the Christ Church 
“Commitment to Loyalty” pledge on his Blog, so that the City 
Council could use it as a “benchmark to determine whether or not 
common sense governs the Moscow zoning process.” I did this because 
he wrote, “totalitarian ecclesiastical controls are as far away 
from us [Christ Church] as the Moscow zoning process is from common 

But rather than post the Code, he compared it to the Pledge of 
Allegiance and observed that City Council opens their meetings with 
a statement of loyalty. 

Of course, he didn’t point out that the Pledge of Allegiance does 
not infringe on the First Amendment, and that if the mayor or any 
councilperson even heard criticism of the US, their resignation 
would not be accepted, without notice, and without prejudice. The 
same is not true at the Kirk. 

So once again I urge Wilson to post the Christ Church “Commitment 
to Loyalty” pledge for all the world to see. Go the extra mile, 
Dougie: send the electronic version to City Council. Tell them how 
you used it to evict a good man out of the Kirk. Ask them to hold 
you to the same standard you imposed on others. Then pack your 

You made the comparison. You called it “common sense.” Surely you 
can live with the result.


Benton Falkirk


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