[Vision2020] Grain Exports

Phil Nisbet pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 9 06:57:40 PDT 2005


The Port Of New Orleans is indeed a large mover of grains and agricultural 
productsm, but you seem to be disparaging of the Port Of Lewiston.  27% of 
all grains exported from the USA every year go through the port 27 Miles to 
our south.  That number would be more if the rail companies had not fugured 
out all the track mile loses that having Lewiston connected by rail to the 
rest of the United States are.  So BN and the rest pulled up the tracks to 
keep the trains heading to the coast.  Big Railroads refused to sell any of 
the possible lines to smaller players like Montana Rail Link to insure that 
their investments in the Ports of Seattle and the Port of Tacoma remianed 
viable.  Instead of seeing the lines improved, they are all now trails.

It is perfectly feasible to rebuild a connection over the old railbeds to 
reconnect Lewiston with the Midwest via Montana.

Phil Nisbet

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