[Vision2020] An unpleasant subject

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 14:28:03 PDT 2005

On 10/13/05, heirdoug at netscape.net <heirdoug at netscape.net> wrote:

> If Melynda Huskey had been a member of Christ Church, judging from the
> previous reactions to the ongoing vandalism against NSA and Christ Church,
> here are the responses she may have received from her fellow Intoleristas:"

I dispute this line of reasoning.  If you, Doug, had been a victim of
vandalism of the type perpetrated against Melynda Huskey, I would have
found it disgusting.  Vandalism is always the last recourse (okay,
sometimes the first) of miscreants.

[An aside: Maybe the Christian thing to do would be to pity them, as
it must suck to be a miscreant.]

If there are any miscreants reading this, I'm not insulting your work,
really.  However, if you do ever decide to vandalize my home,  would
you kindly restrict it to the type perpetrated against NSA and Christ
Church?  I suggest the words "CHAS IS A FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN!" I
would find that heinous lie especially offensive.  Thanks in advance!

Anyway, (the application of) neither chalk nor spittle are vandalism,
because neither can be said to actually destroy or deface, unless some
miscreants have corrosive saliva.  Besides, hadn't we decided that the
chalk-on-the-sidewalk episode was more properly labeled an expression
of free speech?

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