[Vision2020] speaking of bicycles

April Fingerlos aprilf at fingerlos.net
Thu Oct 6 11:28:49 PDT 2005

Because Third street is 30 feet wide and the Windfall Hills Third street extension will be 58 feet wide, with a dedicated bike lane? 18 feet makes one heck of a difference in the amount of room permitting such parking.  

The reality is that Third street has matured into an arterial, no matter how much the city wants to believe it's a residential. The longer they deny it's an arterial and postpone the needed safety improvements, the more unsafe it will become for everyone.


April Fingerlos
Moscow, ID

>>> Tom Ivie <the_ivies3 at yahoo.com> 10/06/05 10:48 am >>>

Those with vision,

I think Phil Cook in his letter to the editor in the Oct. 4th paper misunderstood my previous statement.  My point in my letter to the editor was: why would we allow on-street parking in a new subdivision but remove parking from the block and a half that has the highest density population?  

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