[Vision2020] Not a city resident

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 1 20:42:11 PDT 2005

"Does someone who lives in the Moscow School District,
with children or grandchildren attending Moscow public
schools, have any valid reasons to be concerned about
the affairs of the city where their children attend

Interesting, Ted.

First, the City of Moscow does not have, or control,
any public schools. 

Second, the public schools that are located inside
Moscow are controlled by the Idaho State School
District 281, not the city.

So, logically, it would not follow that the parent be
given control of a government that does not control
the school when it is the school they want control
over. They need control of the school district.

So, logically, yes, I support a legal guardian being
able to vote and have some say in the school district.

If a parent has children attending school within a
city, the parent has a right and say of how the school
operates and functions. But if the parent does not
live in the city, the parent does not have a say in
how the city operates and functions.

If a parent that does not like the way a city operates
and functions, lives outside the city, and has their
child is in a school in the city, they can vote to
move the school outside the jurisdiction of the city. 

Might I also be so bold, Ted, as to point out that the
person complaining about city law was not complaining
about schools, but about city code, and not for
allowing schools, but getting rid of them. 

Take Care,

Donovan J Arnold 


--- Tbertruss at aol.com wrote:

> Donovan et. al.
> Let's focus on the essential facts of this
> discussion.
> I trust this question is not too long?
> Does someone who lives in the Moscow School
> District, with children or 
> grandchildren attending Moscow public schools, have
> any valid reasons to be 
> concerned about the affairs of the city where their
> children attend school?
> Rose has had children, and now has grandchildren, in
> MSD, she lives in MSD, 
> and you wrote the following to Rose:
> Donovan wrote on 9/24/05:
> "If you do not like our city council, rules or
> enforcement, city officials, elected officials
> representing Moscow Residents, Moscow schools, the
> religion of our residents, and many of the residents
> themselves, why don't you move to a city you like
> and
> stop harassing Moscow Residents?"
> Perhaps you'd like to modify this statement in
> consideration of the valid 
> concerns any parent or grandparent living in the
> Moscow School District, with 
> children or grandchildren in MSD, might have about
> Moscow City matters that can 
> impact their child?
> Ted Moffett

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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