[Vision2020] Dale Courtney: Put this in your pipe and smoke it!

Ron Force rforce at moscow.com
Thu May 26 11:17:53 PDT 2005

The sole criterion for Newsweek's ranking is the absolute number of students
taking Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate tests. Because the
College Board (a commercial testing company) doesn't release the results of
the tests by school or school district, it just measures the number of
"strivers" -- white upper-middle class students who attend a school large
and affluent enough to offer AP preparation.

Timberline is twice the size (1097 students) of MHS (563); Borah (1531,
three times. Even if the same, or larger, proportion of students at MHS took
AP, it wouldn't rank as high.

Ron Force          Moscow ID USA
rforce at Moscow.com

Question, why is MSD not in the top 1000 schools? We
spend way more per student. Or did I miss it on the

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