[Vision2020] Dr. Laura my foot

Joan Opyr joanopyr at earthlink.net
Wed May 25 14:13:48 PDT 2005

Pat writes:

"You may not approve of Dr Laura but she is right about the Am Psy 

No, she's not; and you, too, seem to have confused the American 
Psychiatric Association with NARTH.  It is NARTH, as you put it, that 
has "no credibility at all."  They are a reparative therapy group 
dedicated to "curing" homosexuals; according to NARTH, Pat, using only 
lipstick and and a perm, they could turn gay old me into straight old 
you.  Well, thanks, but no thanks.  I'm a happy homo -- the only 
straight thing about me is my hair.

But I refer you to Melynda's more extensive (and more extensively 
researched) post regarding the difference between APA, NARTH, and that 
pot-stirring ignoramus, "Dr. Laura."

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment

PS: If you would like to be "Dr. Pat," you have only to log onto the 
ULC website, www.ulc.org, and for twenty bucks, they'll sell you a 
doctorate.  Then, apply for a radio show at KUOI or my station, KRFP, 
and take calls from people who want your advice.  Who knows?  Business 
might be booming!  Does Donovan have a phone?
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