[Vision2020] Getting Laid by the University of Idaho

Ron Force rforce at moscow.com
Wed Mar 30 14:31:06 PST 2005

Yes, the funds come from the Kibbie Turf Replacement Fund, which is a
dedicated reserve account that comes from student fees, and is used to pay
for playing fields. It can't be diverted to pay for salaries. Why are they
spending it now? Intercollegiate Athletics is stepping up another notch in
competition and needs first-class facilities in order to recruit
"student-athletes".  Whether V2020 thinks this is sufficient reason, is
irrelevant.  The University Administration and Faculty Council both agree
with a priority for athletics. From the "Plan for Renewal of People,
Programs and Place":

"The UVRTF recommended (Table 4, page 36) that Athletics general fund budget
be cut $350,000. This recommendation is inconsistent with another UVRTF
recommendation (page 77, recommendation 1) that the University of Idaho
complete the conference affiliation move from the Big West and Sun Belt
Conferences to the Western Athletic Conference. As well, at the meeting of
January 18, 2005, the Faculty Council was unsupportive of cutting the
general funding for Intercollegiate Athletics. Consequently, the general
fund reduction recommended for Athletics is rejected for strategic intent.
We affirm the importance of the opportunities provided by our program in
Intercollegiate Athletics, and endorse a vibrant business plan for
Athletics, one that promotes competitive success, unwavering integrity, and
academic success for participating students. Athletics will establish annual
reporting to the Faculty Council and establish a six-year business plan with
specific targets and metrics for financial, competitive, and academic

I think we all sympathize with the people laid off.  It's unfortunate that
privacy concerns prevents the university from talking about the rationale
for the cuts.  From what I can guess from rumors, it looks like (for
example) the university will be outsourcing most on-campus remodeling and
painting, as well as some other services. The cuts were specifically
directed at finance and administration. The academic program reductions are
coming from the Deans in May.

While we would like to solely blame the previous administration, the
university has been plagued by under funding and over spending for all the
time I've been here (23 years). It took the fiscal crisis precipitated by
the Boise construction to bring it all to a head.

Ron Force          Moscow ID USA
rforce at moscow.com

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]On Behalf Of Mark Seman
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:32 PM
To: Saundra Lund
Cc: Vision2020
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Getting Laid by the University of Idaho

A very simplified view is that UI funds have different colors of money.
With the different colors come stipulations on how that money is to be
spent.  There are areas of latitude for some spending, but there are also
areas of commitment.  I would assume this particular project is funded by a
capital projects fund and not from a source destined for salaries,
maintenance, utilities or other need.


Mark Seman, Architect
Heather Seman, Landscape Architect
1404 East 'F' Street  Moscow, Idaho 83843
v 208-883-3276 / f 208-883-0112

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