[Vision2020] The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle

Don Coombs mushroom at moscow.com
Mon Mar 21 17:58:52 PST 2005

  Donovan Arnold wrote:
> The most likely attempt to occur, in my opinion, would be a group of 
> religious fanatics, terrorists, or a small poor rouge nation with 
> nothing to lose that hates the US, will try to smuggle a bomb into the 
> US and detonate it.

I ordinarily wouldn't ask this question, but this is 
your second post which refers to a rouge nation. Would 
that be a nation that made its cheeks a little red to 
attract other nations?

Don Coombs

As for our ability to knock down other nation's 
missiles, if we ever knocked down ONE, that would be a 
tremendously successful climax to the program which has 
sucked up billions and billions of dollars. The program 
exists because it is a way to funnel money to people 
who funnel money to politicians. If you vote for 
senators and congresspersons who vote for Starwars, YOU 
are the problem.

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