[Vision2020] Edgar Killian and Mississippi Justice

DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Mon Jun 20 17:57:49 PDT 2005

The Edgar Killian trial in Philadelphia  Mississippi has brought back a lot 
of bad memories. Killian, a  KKK member and preacher was the man who planned 
the killing of three  civil rights workers in Philadelphia 41 years ago 
tomorrow.  As I listened  to the prosecutor's closing argument, I had great hope that 
things had  changed in that little Mississippi town over the past 41 years.   
That was, apparently, a false hope.  After just three hours of  deliberation, 
the jury has declared that they are hung 6-6.  Fortunately,  the judge refused 
to accept that non-verdict and has directed the jury to return  tomorrow for 
more deliberations.
Of course bigotry is not limited to Mississippi as we  have come to know in 
Moscow.  And, speaking of Doug Wilson,  his favorite neo-confederate group, the 
League of the South, is  discussed on the MSNBC link below.
Moscow has its own unique connection with the LOS.   Doug Wilson has invited 
his close friend, Steve Wilkins, an LOS founding  member (who still sits on 
the Board of Directors), to once again  visit Moscow as a principal speaker at 
the Trinity Festival.  I  guess Doug can't get enough of that hog fat, 
corn-pone  twaddle....
On a more positive note, please do something to honor  Andrew Goodman, 
Michael Schwerner, and James Chaney tomorrow on the anniversary  of their murders.  
Speak out loudly and publicly against bigotry and  racism. Challenge the 
people and institutions who continue to justify it,  right here in our own town.  
You can be a Freedom Rider without making the  journey to Mississippi -  all 
you need is some backbone and a healthy  dollop of moral outrage.  
As we PBR fans like to say,  It's time to "Cowboy  (or Cowgirl) Up Moscow!
Rose  Huskey
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