[Vision2020] State property, communion wine, and the presence of enemies

Melynda Huskey melyndahuskey at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 28 13:01:34 PDT 2005

I do want to make just a small point in the midst of all this brouhaha (what a fine word that is, too--and not to be confused with tohu-bohu, nor yet with fracas, nor yet with hurly-burly, all of which may become applicable as the thread unwinds).

No-one has filed a complaint or injunction against Christ Church which seeks to prevent them from using wine in their communion service.  There is no enemy dangling the key to the wine cellar just out of reach; no Frances Willard barring the doors to the Kibbie Dome or singing "Lips Which Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine" in protest.

Some months ago, while investigating the contracts made between the Trinity Festival, Christ Church, and the University of Idaho, Rose and Saundra asked a legal question of the UI's legal counsel:  since the state prohibition against serving alcohol to minors is clearly in conflict with the eucharistic practice of the church, when it rents a state facility, which prevails legally?  The answer was, quite clearly, "We don't really care."  No action of any kind has been taken since then--did I mention that this was some months ago?

No-one is interfering in any discernable way with Christ Church's communion, even that one which will occur in a rented state facility.  So why is this imaginary predicament getting so much air time all of a sudden?

I'm resisting the impulse to do my Church Lady imitation:  "Could it be . . . Satan?"  

Actually, it looks just a little like a bid for public sympathy.  Maybe a public relations move--"We're victims, see?  They're trying to interfere with our religious rights.  Pay no attention to the patterns of behavior you've observed in our public lives (tax exemptions? zoning violations? boarding houses without permits? retaliatory and frivolous complaints? mean-spirited ads in the newspaper? blogs chock-full of hate?). We're the victims here."

That makes a better story, certainly, than "We got a much better deal on the Kibbie Dome than the Nazarene Church or the Methodist Church did" or "Taxpayer dollars are subsidizing a 'donation' to Christ Church through the University of Idaho."

Melynda Huskey

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