[Vision2020] The Key to Helping Downtown Moscow Thrive

Barbara Richardson Crouch edc at moscow.com
Wed Jul 13 09:27:55 PDT 2005


I doubt if the update of the Comprehensive Plan would have made a difference
in what is happening with Zoning related issues.  The Plan was last amended
in 1999, with changes to the CBD that did not include allowing downtown
"schools".  As far as using outside consultants, I don't believe the City of
Moscow utilizes them any more than other cities its size.

The other questions should be answered by staff and elected officials.


-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]On
Behalf Of Art Deco
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:08 PM
To: Vision 2020
Cc: JoAnn Mack; Nancy Chaney; Peg Hamlett; Linda Pall; Marshall Comstock;
John Dickinson; Jon Kimberling
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] RE: The Key to Helping Downtown Moscow Thrive

Barbara, et al,

I guess I'm not very bright.

I still do not see the reason for a three year delay by the city council to
begin to revise the comp plan, New Cities or not.

Had the council acted in a timely and effective manner, the current zoning
issues/fiasco would not be.  And still they do not squarely face the issue
in a manner suggested and propelled by law.  I see a lot of hemming and
hawing and a great reluctance to do their statutory duties in a prompt and
courageous manner.  I am particularly disappointed in those that ran for
office on a reform promise.  Where is the reform?  I do not want to hear
that it takes time.  Time has already passed with little or no results!
Where is the community leadership they should be eagerly supplying?

With regard to the BID:

[1]    There has been a lot of negative comment about the goals and effects
of the proposed BID by several downtown businesspersons.  They do not
believe that it really will return a viable cost benefit to their
businesses.  Some of that comment has appeared here on Vision 2020.

[2]    The last organization I would trust to implement any kind of more
than a very elementary plan is the Moscow Chamber of Commerce.  During the
just previous years they have exhibited grossly inept financial management,
extraordinary insensitivity to community values, and a close-mindedness,
secretness that rivals the most dogmatic religious leader/organization.

[3]    The city council cannot delegate its responsibility to govern!!!
They are in charge of producing the comprehensive plan, the resulting zoning
ordinance, and the other various elements of insuring the opportunity for a
viable downtown core.

Perhaps, the city has poured $50,000 and a lot of well-intended citizen
effort down a rathole.  Perhaps they need to start over again or at least
public review the $50,000 masterpiece and try to determine if it has any
useful parts.

As V 2020er Pat Kraut asked:  Why did they need to spend the $50,000 on
outside consultants in the first place?  Why are we paying elected officials
and city staff if not to tackle problems like these?

I may be in error, but between the elected officials, the city staff, and a
wealth of community expertise that could be had on a voluntary basis just
for a polite, open invitation, I should think that in a fairly short time, a
downtown vision/plan could be generated.  However, it won't be if the city
council continues to act like sluggish, snaffled, prideful, frightened

Wayne A. Fox
1009 Karen Lane
PO Box 9421
Moscow, ID  83843

(208) 882-7975
waf at moscow.com

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Barbara Richardson Crouch
  To: Art Deco
  Cc: Vision2020 at Moscow. Com
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 9:30 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vision2020] RE: The Key to Helping Downtown Moscow Thrive


  The City has begun the Comprehensive Planning process by utilizing the New
Cities Initative.  I'll try an answer your questions.

  Originally, the Comprehensive Plan was going to be worked on in sections -
Downtown, Economic Development, etc.  It was decided by Council and agreed
to by many groups interested in the Comprehensive Plan that first the City
needed to find a way to engage all stakeholders.  This lack of engagement
was made clear during the formulation of the Downtown Plan.  Action has been
taken on the Downtown Plan, the Chamber was selected to implement the
Downtown Plan and has been working with the merchants association to do some
things - BID, Parking Survey, etc.

  As far as the information being "stale", many of the suggestions made in
the plan  are being implemented - the use of CDBG funds to improve
Friendship Square

  The LEDC agrees that the focus should be on completing a Comprehensive
Plan update that contains the following:  a clear vision for Moscow's
future; sufficient public input to validate the vision; a buy-in from the
decision makers and citizens. I know that the City Council, MCA, LEDC,
Chamber, etc. all want to ensure that the planning process is open, fair and
respects the needs of all citizens and other stakeholders.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]On Behalf Of Art Deco
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:49 AM
  To: Vision 2020
  Cc: JoAnn Mack; Nancy Chaney; Peg Hamlett; Linda Pall; Marshall Comstock;
John Dickinson; Jon Kimberling
  Subject: Re: [Vision2020] RE: The Key to Helping Downtown Moscow Thrive


  Thank you for the information about previous work on a downtown Moscow
plan.  It was most informative.  Perhaps you can post a précis of the major
elements and goals of that plan.

  Perhaps also you and/or some open-minded city council members (not an
oxymoron, I hope) can answer the following questions:

  After spending $50,000 and lots of effort on the part of citizens,
businesses, political figures, and governmental staff:

  Why has action been delayed for more than three years after the downtown
plan was completed on the city comprehensive plan?

  Has not some of the information gathered and recommendations made in this
plan more than 3 years ago become stale?

  Since the issue of allowing educational institutions and other possibly
counter-productive uses in the downtown core is one with great consequences
for the future of Moscow, shouldn't the current city zoning ordinances be
updated only after the comp plan is updated and clear goals are set for the
downtown core and its relationship to the rest of the city?

  I am sure there are a large number of citizens (residents, patrons, users,
visitors, etc) that want to know why the normal city planning processes are
not being followed and what effort, if any, is being made to get them back
on track instead of doing planning/zoning business in a crisis driven,
piecemeal fashion.

  Wayne A. Fox
  1009 Karen Lane
  PO Box 9421
  Moscow, ID  83843

  (208) 882-7975
  waf at moscow.com

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Barbara Richardson Crouch
    To: Art Deco ; Vision 2020
    Cc: Linda Pall ; Nancy Chaney ; John Dickinson ; Peg Hamlett
    Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 2:05 PM
    Subject: RE: [Vision2020] RE: The Key to Helping Downtown Moscow Thrive


    If you do not remember, Moscow and the University did complete a
Downtown Plan.  The Committee was the CRC and was a part of the LEDC.  We
solicited for consultants, hired a group and actually received and the City
Council accepted a short term plan from them - they felt the long-range plan
was too grandiose.  This plan was the basis of the Downtown Grant and the
activities happening in Friendship Square.  The plan cost a minimum of
$50,000 and the LEDC/Chamber used the plan to receive a grant from Verizon
to hire an interim Downtown Coordinator until a BID could be done.  The
implementation of the Plan was left to the Chamber.  The LEDC's
participation ended after we supervised the interim Coordinator.  In fact,
First Step was kind enough to give the Downtown Association a website and
free hosting.  This all happened in the last three years (3).  There is also
a section that talks about zoning changes in the Downtown.  If you would
like this section (it is about 40 pages) just e-mail me and I will send it
to you.

    There was lots of public input sought, including a tenant at the Ren
Fair and a table at the Latah County fair.  The General Public Input was
solicited in 2001 and 2002.  Downtown Property owners and Business people
met for almost a year before public input.

    Moscow plans to start the public process for the Comprehensive Plan
re-write this fall as part of the New Cities Initative.  I would like to see
the community focus on writing a good solid, 20-30 year Comprehensive Plan.

    Barbara Crouch


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