[Vision2020] Virus Alert!!! Virus Alert!!, this is one is nasty

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 28 02:06:52 PST 2005

I have gotten rid of Internet Explorer. It is a nasty piece of crap that has 
given me my last Virus. The stupid thing is a magnet for all that is wrong 
with the internet!

I downloaded the brower firefox from mozilla.org.

It works better and is not a target for 10,000 new viruses like Explorer.

Here is information about the new one virus that took me three hours to rid 
from my computer. It was preventing me from even accessing my email.

We ought to start throwing the CEOs of these companies and corporrations 
that fund these people to hijack our computers and overrun our emails 
accounts with spam in prison for a while. Maybe if we throw them in the 
pokey for a few months they can experience first hand the effectiveness of 
their penis enlargement pills.

>From the McAfee website.

"What is it?

W32/Bagle.bj at MM is a Medium Risk mass-mailing worm that tries to open a 
backdoor on your PC. Carried inside an email attachment, the virus spreads 
by emailing itself to stolen contacts and via file-sharing programs such as 
KaZaa, Bearshare and Limewire. Like its many predecessors, W32/Bagle.bj also 
tries to turn off anti-virus and other security software protection.

Note: To fortify anti-virus defense against viruses that carry backdoor 
payloads, we recommend installing McAfee Personal Firewall Plus.

What should I look for?

# FROM: Varies (spoofed).
# SUBJECT: Examples: Delivery service mail, Delivery by mail, Registration 
is accepted, Is delivered mail, You are made active
# BODY: Examples: Thanks for use of our software. Before use read the help.
# ATTACHMENT: Examples: wsd01, viupd02, siupd02, guupd02, zupd02, upd02, 
Jol03 (with an extension of .exe, .scr, .com or .cpl)

How do I know if I've been infected?

Unexpected communication ports open on infected machine. Outgoing messages 
with noted body content and attachments."

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