[Vision2020] MLK RIP

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Thu Jan 20 10:00:20 PST 2005

After two weeks of spotty-at-best Internet access, imagine my delight at 
being reliably connected so I can keep up with local happenings.  Then I 
read Captain Kirker's post below . . .

I would like to go on record as stating that the final example -- Doug 
Jones' Credenda article from years back about a day of plagiarism and 
adultery to honor Dr. King -- is one of the the most vile pieces of excreta 
I have ever read from someone who claims to know Christ.  Jones' attempt at 
satire and pungent social commentary reveals him to be calloused beyond 
belief, shallow beyond imagination, and hateful beyond redemption if he has 
not repented.  Much more could be said, but I'll close with this:

You were born white and male and are thus privileged if only for those two 
characteristics.  You are further soaked in the privilege of education, 
enfranchisement, and the enthusiastic exercise of unearned power.  You 
gleefully heap scorn on the poor and the hurting and you mock those who are 
oppressed.  May God have mercy on your soul, and on mine for the disgust I 
feel towards you.

My God.

keely emerine mix

From: Captain Kirker <captain_kirker at yahoo.com>
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] MLK RIP
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 20:04:25 -0800 (PST)


Few things chap my butt worse than the brazen hypocrites who play church 
every week at our local cult. And as witnessed by their own writings 
(appended below), few men get under these wolves’ fur worse than MLK.

But think about it, while the Wolfman co-plagiarized a booklet that extolled 
the virtues of slavery and condemned all forms of abolitionism, MLK gave his 
life in a non-violent fight for freedom. And while MLK left a lasting mark 
on our nation for the good, the Wolfman insists on turning the blade, 
without mercy, into the memory of a fallen minister.

With this historical fact in mind, I post the following memo to the Wolfman:

Since God is not mocked and men reap what they sow, you shall not escape 
Haman’s gallows. Therefore, on the day they hood you, tighten the noose 
round your neck, and pull the lever; at the instant before your neck snaps, 
making you squeal like a little girl, please remember that the name of the 
wicked shall rot.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

When theologically conservative whites engage in soul-searching on race 
issues, we consistently look in the wrong place. Like an inveterate 
melancholic, we confess all the sins we haven’t committed, and neglect the 
ones we have. . . . Though not a George W. fan, he had one magnificent 
phrase in one of his speeches that captures our problem exactly. He referred 
to the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” MLK was a habitual tomcatter. Any 
white minister guilty of the same sins, on the same magnitude, would have 
all of us on this list chasing him out of town, pelting him with stones. But 
all of us would be reluctant to start doing anything like this with MLK. I 
think the reason is that the liberals really are right, but for the wrong 
reason. We are racist, and secretly believe that a black minister can’t be 
expected to live up to the same standards as we do. . . .



(post 21452, Biblical Horizons is a semi-public listserv)

If you want to read an indictment of American academia, as if you needed 
one, then I recommend Plagiarism and the Culture War. In it, Theodore Pappas 
documents the wholesale plagiarism committed by Martin Luther King, Jr. in 
his doctoral work, not to mention the varied and wondrous contortions of the 
academic establishment as they sought to studiously ignore this indisputable 
fact. Of course, this particular instance is not the sum and substance of 
modern academic corruption, but it does provide a wonderful example of how 
it all works. If you are in any doubt about how advanced our public 
corruption is, just write a letter to your local paper on how MLK was a 
plagiarist, and see what happens. Suddenly, mirabile dictu, people like you 
who believe that a man should be judged by the content of his character and 
not by the color of his skin will be branded . . . racists. George Orwell, 
call your office.

Volume 11, Issue 1


Martin Luther King Day Celebrated with Widespread Adultery/Plagiarism 

by Douglas Jones

HOLLYWOOD — For an increasing number of Americans, Martin Luther King Day is 
no longer a time of relaxation or volunteerism but a day to commit adultery 
and plagiarize. “It is a time for the nation to remember the soul of Dr. 
King. A time to remember his fight for personal license, equal claims to 
authorship, and the dignity of other people’s wives. A time to remember the 
message of change through nonviolence,” said Rep. Rico Hall, California 

More than 10,000 people in Philadelphia and 30,000 in Hollywood volunteered 
to commit adultery within city limits. Some participated in “mock” adultery 
parties, where everyone wore body stockings, but others were more true to 
the King tradition. The parties closed with a unison-chanting of the famous 
Martin Luther King line “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice 

Smaller groups in several cities, from Chicago to Charlotte, N.C., to San 
Diego, also used the holiday to copy scholars’ critical writings and claim 
them as their own. “Dr. King only copied half of his doctoral dissertation 
from dead guys like J.H. Randall, D.E. Roberts, and Paul Tillich, but I’m 
claiming entire chapters of Toni Morrison as my own,” said Jennifer Green, a 
high-school student from Decatur, AL.

Schools in New York had students relive the “I Have a Dream” plagiarism from 
Archibald Carey by reenacting convention speeches from Senator Joseph Biden. 
“Students receive recognition for the work they copy,” Albany County 
superintendent Henry Blair says. “We believe if students can commit to two 
weeks of plagiarism, they can commit to a month. That becomes a year, then a 
year becomes a lifetime.”

The new holiday slant has triggered some negative reactions. “I don’t like 
all the secretive aspects of the adultery parties. Sure, everyone admits 
that King did it secretly, but I think we should grow beyond that,” says 
Hannie Jenkins of Portland. It’s a “commentary about Human Rights in 
general,” says Jerry Bernstein, director of the Pittsburgh Day of Service. 
“It’s also a very strong statement about the King holiday and the shift 
toward finding meaningful ways to celebrate his life of action and helping 
others. We all need to strive to be more like Dr. King.”

Volume 15, Issue 1


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