[Vision2020] FW: NYTimes.com Article: Editorial: Victor's Spoils
Pat Kraut
pkraut at moscow.com
Tue Jan 11 20:57:28 PST 2005
Its private money. Those who have it have the right to spend it the way they
want...last time I checked.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: [Vision2020] FW: NYTimes.com Article: Editorial: Victor's Spoils
No, it's not sour grapes from a liberal Democrat that makes me think the
amount of money being spent on Bush's inaugauration is obscene. I'd feel
the same way if it was a John Kerry administration. This is a disgusting
amount of money at the wrong time. This is from this morning's New York
Carl Westberg Jr.
>Editorial: Victor's Spoils
>January 11, 2005
>At the rate President Bush's supporters are giving money,
>his second inauguration threatens to stand out in the
>history books like the common folks' muddy boot prints on
>the White House furniture at Andrew Jackson's gala. The $40
>million record for inaugural partying set four years ago
>for Mr. Bush is expected to be shattered this month. The
>only limits for this binge of giving are the private
>inaugural committee's maximum of $250,000 for corporate
>donors (more than 40 have pledged so far) and $100,000 for
>individuals (60 and counting).
>Ordinary citizens might have hoped that the overriding
>issue in Washington - the perilous Iraq war, with its drain
>on the nation's blood and treasure - would dictate
>restraint. But plans for the four-day extravaganza roll
>forward with nine celebratory balls being underwritten by
>the usual corporate and fat-cat supplicants in the
>political power mill.
>There's nothing new in Washington's triumphalist
>celebrations, festooned with price tags for access, but war
>usually mutes the singing and dancing. Not this year.
>The inaugural's stated theme - "Celebrating Freedom,
>Honoring Service" - is spin-doctoring in the extreme and
>hardly justifies the unrestrained lucre-fest. Planners did
>take care to create a "Commander in Chief Ball," free to
>the military and their families. But that only underscores
>the bad taste. Officials say "freedom everywhere" is the
>point of the celebrations. The freedom most obviously
>honored is that of American businesses, eagerly writing
>checks to get ever closer to the election winners.
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