[Vision2020] Concerning NSA

Andrew Knecht knec7190 at uidaho.edu
Wed Feb 16 20:59:16 PST 2005

This is my first blog post, so please forgive me for any breach of protocol.  I will keep 
this short.  Hopefully.

The current issues surrounding New Saint Andrew's College and their zoning dilemma has 
presented itself to me a few times, some I have sought and some I have not.  I feel I have 
an elementary understanding of the situation and a certain feeling predominated my thoughts 
each time it was presented, every time growing more and more concrete.  I hope what I say is 
worth hearing and understood correctly.

I can not speak to the exact motives of the men who pointed out the zoning problem of NSA, 
but from what I have heard the basis is not a good one.  Desiring another man's (or men's) 
suffering through incrimination, whether an allegation is true or not, is wrong.  The desire 
should be purely for the upholding of the law and the retention of order.  I hope that the 
feeling these men had when they found this problem was not "now we have a means to smite 
them by," but instead, "here is a violation, we should bring this to the authorities' 
attention."  My question to them is this:  If it were any institution in violation of this 
code other than NSA, would you have even brought it up?  Would you have pursued it as you 
have this particular case?  Would you have even cared?  If the answer turns out to be "yes" 
for all of them, then I see no problem with the men.  However, if even one can not be agreed 
upon, I ask that the men please consider their true motivations.  Please do not encourage 
other's dislike through your own dislike.  Your reaction urges other's with a struggle 
against NSA, many of which stem from just hatred.  Wishing for any person to fail or 
struggle because you abhor them, even in a slight manner, is a fault for yourself.  Bringing 
up such a case reveals one's own sin as much as the accused.  Work for order and upholding 
of the law for the good of others, not yourself.

Now, after saying this, if it be the case that the dispute is due to a dislike of NSA and 
its affiliations, it does not detract from the fact that NSA may be breaking the law.  (This 
is a particular fuzzy area for me as to the claims of each side)  The leaders set before us 
are appointed by God, I believe this by faith in what He promises.  Therefore going against 
them is going against God.  Our leaders locally have set a law concerning zoning that NSA is 
not following to some degree.  No matter if the accusers are in error in their approach or 
not, the law states something and NSA is not adhering to that law.  And from what I have 
seen and read, NSA's reaction to the accusation is dodgy.  Trying to either put the blame 
elsewhere, say they didn't need a permit or were unaware they needed one or they simply 
point back at the critic.  My question for those in charge are:  Are you being truthful 
about your perception of your condition?  Are you jumping straight to defense mode without 
unbais consideration?  Is it pride?  How much greater a witness and example would it be if 
you simply conceded and moved on with no complaining?  What keeps you from doing so?  
Ignorance can only go so far.  Accepting one's punishment and assignments is a duty all men 
are called to.  Suffering, whether by tyranny or simple mistakes, is something Christians 
need to expect.  "Consider it pure joy..." when you are given an opportunity to show your 
respect for a town that is struggling to accept you.  Do not let pride bury you even further 
into contention.  If pride keeps you from moving, you are in sin.  If money keeps you from 
moving, what price are you unwilling to pay in order to be an example to those that are 
against you?  Will you not be rewarded for such a wonderful witness?  What keeps you from 
leaving?  I must stress: look at the law, truthfully consider if you are at fault, ignore 
how or who you hear it from, fix it.

My intention for this note is not to increase the disputes between the two parties.  I hope 
that my message is a teaching one, if not to the parties discussed within it, to those that 
choose to follow the issue.  If my words are deemed praiseworthy, I hope that those reading 
it will return hate with love and care not for the issue but for peace between God's 
disciples to return, no matter the engine.  If what I say is doomed to be poorly spoken and 
filled with mistakes, I wish only that my idea of a Christian, humble end be continued.  

Thanks for bearing with me.  Not as short as I had expected, but I said what I wanted.  Good 

-That's that

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