[Vision2020] Message from a Christ Church Wife

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Sun Feb 13 08:14:02 PST 2005

 Hello Visionaries, this is Christian Burns' wife Jenni Burns...

Yeah, right!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christian Burns" <christian.burns at gmail.com>
To: "keely emerinemix" <kjajmix1 at msn.com>
Cc: <debismith at moscow.com>; <Vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Message from a Christ Church Wife

> Hello Visionaries, this is Christian Burns' wife Jenni Burns.  I just
> want to say that I believe my husband has a great view of what
> submission is-Christ is the head of the Church just as the man is the
> head of the wife, and Christ was servant of all.  Christian and I have
> been married for three years and I have never been so loved and valued
> and served in my entire life.  He values me and it heals the wounds of
> rejection that others have inflicted.  He is a gentle and loving man
> whom I submit to willingly because I trust him fully with my heart
> knowing that he understands his responsibility as my protector.
> We are a team and we submit ourselves to one another.  He looks for my
> imput and holds my thoughts in high esteem.  He waits to confer with
> me before he makes decisions and he wont move ahead until he knows
> that I feel safe.  But as a wife I know that he is the final word and
> I trust him even though I might not feel like he's taking the right
> turn sometimes because I know that the responsibility for the outcome
> of our family weighs heavily upon his shoulders.
> That is my two cents, I am not a beat down wife who has no clue
> because I cant think for myself.  Submitting to my husband has caused
> me to feel secure and confident in being who God has called me to be.
> I believe the truth is that people who have issue with the topic of
> submission is fear to fully trust yourself into another's ability to
> love or reject-but isn't that what Christ asks from us? to trust Him
> fully not knowing the outcome?
> A devoted wife, Jenni Burns
> ps. Chris has read all the responses and will respond when he has time.
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 06:42:58 -0800, keely emerinemix <kjajmix1 at msn.com> 
> wrote:
>> Christian Burns needs to avail himself of some good Biblical teaching on 
>> the
>> issue of submission, headship and hierarchy, although I'm afraid he'll be
>> sorely disappointed that the privilege of maleness is a result of the 
>> Fall
>> and not God's original intention for humankind.  It seems to have worked 
>> out
>> so well for him, and of course that's the measure of all things -- how 
>> well
>> it works for us, others be damned.
>> Which is the Biblical point of submission.  Believers are to submit to 
>> one
>> another, period.  That means going out for Chinese with my friend when 
>> it's
>> her preference, even if I want Mexican, because she's more important to 
>> me
>> than my love of carne asada.  The bigger picture:  it means concern for
>> everyone around me, knowing that their Biblical submission will result in
>> concern for me, too.  And in this case, it means that a husband who would
>> see his wife in agony because of a church situation and yet still claim 
>> male
>> privilege to stand his ground is being grossly unloving and unBiblical 
>> and
>> is unworthy of defense by a brother in the Lord.  I submit to my 
>> husband --
>> and he to me -- not because of his maleness, but because of his 
>> humanness,
>> just as I would submit to everyone else around me.  The church is not an 
>> old
>> boys network -- or at least that wasn't the intention -- and the "suck it 
>> up
>> and submit, sister" bit is galling.
>> And by the way, Mr. Burns, I'm sure Martin Luther would be amused at your
>> stern rebuke about God never rewarding a spirit of division.  It's good 
>> to
>> separate from the toxic things in life by proclaiming truth, which is a
>> spirit of devotion to Christ.  I can't help but think that more devotion 
>> to
>> Him would result in a church that looks radically different from what you
>> appear to be used to, although it'd sure be a lot less fun for the guys . 
>> .
>> .
>> your local Biblical feminist and submissive wife, sister, friend and
>> neighbor,
>> keely emerine mix
>> .
>> From: debismith at moscow.com
>> To: Vision2020 at moscow.com
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Message from a Christ Church Wife
>> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:06:52 -0800
>> OK, I have now seen something much more offensive than spitting or "one
>> nostril
>> blowing". Christian burns left me needing shower or three.  A wife's
>> calling, like it or
>> not, is supporting her husband? A mandate from God to submit? My husband 
>> was
>> rolling on the floor laughing!!!!! My fully functional, self-supporting,
>> adult children let
>> me know this bozo needs some therapy!! (Though out of Moscow, they both
>> subscribe to v2020). Christian "Burns" indeed!!! What a piece of idiocy!!
>> In the spirit
>> of charity, however, I want "Christian " to know that whatever blows his
>> skirt up is fine
>> by me.....
>> Debi
>> Dear ChristChurch Wife,
>> I hear what you are saying. I don't know Doug Wilson, never met him. I
>> do not doubt how you feel.
>> I just wanted to offer some thoughts that I had while reading your
>> post. I am speaking as a Christian to another Christian, I know this
>> will sound insensitive to most people.
>> First of all I wanted to say how sorry I am for the state of your
>> marriage. You and your husband lack unity. The goal of marriage is
>> intimacy, and you have this huge wedge between you.
>> I have been a part of a church with a strong leader that has hurt
>> people, friends of mine. Caused offence and they took the bait of the
>> enemy and left the church. It was hard to witness, it didn't have to
>> go down like it did. People harbor bitterness and it gives a place for
>> the enemy to thrive in their lives and family. My heart breaks for
>> them. Some have come through all right, others are rotting from the
>> inside out.
>> I have also been part of churches with weak leaders. They have a whole
>> other set of issues. I have seen families destroyed because people
>> were not held accountable for sin.
>> My point is that you have a mandate from God as a wife and mother. It
>> is not to convince your husband that he is wrong in how he is leading
>> your family. Your calling whether you like it or not is to support
>> your husband. Submit to him as the Church is to submit to Christ. Your
>> husband is called to submit himself to Christ.
>> If you continue to press for your family to leave by pointing out the
>> faults of those in your church, you will destroy your family, not save
>> it. I know that you might disagree with that statement but I would
>> challenge you to look in scripture.
>> My wife thinks that your focus needs to me coming into unity with your
>> husband, not trying to get him to heed your words. Let him lead,
>> support him.
>> I am also going to mention your children. I don't know how old they
>> are or how many you have. But if they feel that bitterness in you
>> towards others, it will effect them in a bad way.
>> Are you going outside of your husbands covering and getting together
>> with others to share your concerns about the church? Stop it, resolve
>> that God has placed your family where it is and that He never rewards
>> a spirit of division.
>> If you want to talk to my wife further about her thoughts, email me
>> and I will give you her cell phone number. She said that you can talk
>> to her more about your situation.
>> And I may be ridiculed for posting this, but I really felt that I needed 
>> to.
>> Christian Burns
>> On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 19:22:01 -0800 (PST), ChristChurch Wife
>> <christchurchwife at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>  > Dear Visionaries,
>>  >
>>  > I am a Christ Church wife.  Of the many of things I could write, I
>> decided
>>  > in the end that what I’m about to write is the most important. 
>> I
>> realize
>>  > there’s no reason why you should trust an anonymous posting 
>> like
>> mine but
>>  > it's my hope that somehow you'll decide to read it anyway.
>>  >
>>  > It’s amazing how God has been so merciful to Christ 
>> Church/Trinity
>> members
>>  > through this forum.  Many of you have been such a comfort to me and 
>> you
>>  > don’t even know it.  It’s hard to belong to a church 
>> whose
>> pastor treats
>>  > people the way Doug Wilson does, especially those who oppose him
>> publicly.
>>  > No, it’s not hard, I take that back.  It’s horrible.
>> It’s become a
>>  > nightmare. It’s shame and outrage and grief that no amount of
>> tears can
>>  > wash away. Part of me wants to write a thousand more words but I
>> won’t
>>  > waste your time.  Why?  Because of the glaring question that logically
>>  > follows: â€Å"Then why don’t you leave that church?” 
>> I'm
>> working on it as
>>  > hard as I can. Some day I will get out but when I leave I refuse to go
>>  > alone.  I will be taking my family with me.  I will not allow my 
>> marriage
>> to
>>  > be destroyed or my children split apart in the process. Slowly and
>>  > consistently my husband has begun to heed the wo! rds I speak to him
>>  > regarding Christ Church.  The day is coming when his eyes will be 
>> fully
>> open
>>  > and his faith will lead the way.  That is the day we’ll leave. 
>> I
>> believe
>>  > that with all my heart.  It's coming.  But even then, the road to
>> recovery
>>  > will be long. That's okay.  I'm not deceived.  My marriage will 
>> survive
>> and
>>  > we'll be fine again someday.  Nobody said that only husbands are
>> responsible
>>  > to protect their families. Wives are called to do the same. Mine is 
>> also
>> a
>>  > rescue and recovery mission and you, on this forum, have been an
>> incredible
>>  > blessing in this long, difficult process.
>>  >
>>  > My reason for posting today is because I want to say thank you. With 
>> all
>> my
>>  > heart I thank you for how you do your best to help open the eyes of
>> Christ
>>  > Church/Trinity people. (I dislike that word "Kirkers.") Thank you for 
>> the
>>  > insight and careful observations you've brought to issue after issue
>>  > concerning Christ Church.  I especially appreciate how determined you 
>> are
>> in
>>  > your resolve to speak forth.  Thank you for your example of courage, 
>> for
>>  > exposing the tactics of Doug Wilson and refuting them. For remaining
>>  > vigilant no matter how Christ Church leaders respond to you. Thank you
>> for
>>  > the humorous statements that have literally made my day so many times.
>>  > It’s amazing how much strength one can get from humor. Thank 
>> you
>> for all
>>  > the personal time you've given in posting.  And most of all, thank you
>> for
>>  > your compassion for Christ Church wives and children and even our
>> husbands
>>  > that has comforted me time and time again. It’s been 
>> overwhelming.
>>  >
>>  > I've learned so much about people from Vision 2020.  Your service to 
>> the
>>  > Palouse is unquestionable. People who don't even know me care about me
>> and
>>  > in their own way have tried to help me. My mind has been stretched. 
>> My
>>  > world has perspectives it never had before. I’ve gained more
>> understanding
>>  > and compassion for others in ways that have made me a far better 
>> person.
>> I
>>  > don't have to agree with everything written on a post to be able to 
>> say
>>  > thank you for writing it.  I see in you a true desire to make the 
>> Palouse
>> a
>>  > better place to live.  I see individuals trying and one by one
>> it’s
>>  > working. Thank you.  Thank you with all my heart for what 
>> you’ve
>> done for
>>  > me as a person and Christian.
>>  >
>>  > If I may, I would like to say a special thanks to Tom Hansen for his 
>> "Not
>> on
>>  > the Palouse" site.  God only knows how many people have been spared 
>> the
>>  > grief I've known because of it. For their lives sake, I thank you.
>>  >
>>  > Because the Daily News, understandably, will not accept anonymous 
>> letters
>>  > I’d also like to publicly thank Vera White for her brave 
>> column.
>> She has
>>  > withstood the vehemence of Wilson's world for years and done it with
>>  > remarkable grace. She never ceases to amaze me with her lion's heart.
>> Vera's
>>  > example of courage and integrity in journalism has inspired me more 
>> than
>>  > she’ll ever know.  Even if I don't agree with every word she 
>> says,
>> she's
>>  > my hero. Thank you, Vera.  Thank you forever.
>>  >
>>  > Thank you, Vision 2020, for allowing me to post this.
>>  >
>>  > With deepest gratitude and respect,
>>  > A Christ Church wife
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >  ________________________________
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