[Vision2020] NSA ranks 18th in Freshman ACT scores in U.S.
Carl Westberg
carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 11 07:51:44 PST 2005
I would hate to see some sort of a battle between NSA supporters and U of I
supporters blow up here. The fact is that NSA students are undeniably
bright. So are U of I students. NSA students attend that institution, I
assume, because of the particular Christian bent emphasized there. U of I
students attend that still excellent, if currently beleagured school, for
any number of valid reasons. If I had children (I don't, which is probably
a very good thing for all of humankind), I would not want them, speaking for
myself, to attend NSA because of that particular Christian philosophy. I
disagree with it. Parents who encourage their children to attend NSA no
doubt disagree, at least in part, with the "secular" bent of the U of I and
other public universities. NSA students also, if I'm correct, augment their
education with classes at the U of I. I think I had a point when I started
this. What was it? Oh yeah.....it would be nice to avoid a "my school is
better than your school" spat. I need to finish my coffee now.
Carl Westberg Jr.
>From: "Tom Hansen" <thansen at moscow.com>
>To: <DonaldH675 at aol.com>, <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: RE: [Vision2020] NSA ranks 18th in Freshman ACT scores in U.S.
>Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 17:57:41 -0800
>Not to mention New Saint Andrews' lack of accreditation.
>Listing a non-accredited college on one's resume' does not speak very
>for one's credentials, now does it?
>Perhaps that is why the only place of "employment" open to NSA grads is
>Wilson, Inc.
>Tom Hansen
>UI '96 (Management Information Systems)
>Moscow, Idaho
>"When people sin, everybody has to pay."
>- Douglas Wilson of Wilson, Inc. (dba Christ Church) (June 7, 2002)
>For more details: http://www.tomandrodna.com/notonthepalouse
> _____
>From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
>On Behalf Of DonaldH675 at aol.com
>Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 4:32 PM
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] NSA ranks 18th in Freshman ACT scores in U.S.
>Dale Courtney <right-mind.us> shares the information on his blog site that
>New St. Andrews' College has the 18th highest ACT score of 3,015 Higher Ed
>Dale neglected to mention that the number 1 school in this ranking is
>Coahomoa Community College, located in Clarksdale, Mississippi which offers
>associate degrees and vocational and technical training.
>Anyhow, he goes on to say:
>"Not shabby when lumped with MIT, Notre Dame, Amherst, UPenn, Oberlin,
>Colgate, John Hopkins, Northwestern, and Dartmouth. For the Intoleristas:
>your charges don't stick against the data. Suck it up and bark up a
>different tree."
>Dale, don't be a jackass. The Intoleristas have never questioned the
>intellectual ability of NSA students. I personally have no doubt that they
>are, on the whole, bright, engaged, and capable of high academic
>in either private or public schools. The problem at NSA is not the
>students, it's the faculty. There are fourteen faculty members at NSA.
>Four of them (28%) are related by blood or marriage to Doug Wilson
>(including Wilson himself in that count.) While nepotism would not
>necessarily exclude Wilson's brother, son, or son-in-law from holding
>positions in the school, his brother, Gordon, is the single member of the
>Wilson family to have the academic credentials worthy of faculty
>Consider the case of Nate Wilson (Doug Wilson's son) and his remarkable
>in the world of NSA. Holding only an undergraduate degree from NSA and a
>master's degree (St. John's College) Nate was promoted to the NSA
>of a full professorship.
>The standard for promotion to full professorship at the University of Idaho
>is found at:
>Not only does Nate not meet the standard for promotion, he wouldn't be
>considered for any entrance level appointment, he is, simply stated, not
>educated enough for a faculty position.
>The long and short of it is this: NSA students, particularly if they are
>bright, are being robbed every day that they attend that "school." They
>being taught by men who are, in general, poorly trained, and
>non-competitive in the world of academia. The United Negro College Fund
>slogan, "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste," ought to be carved over the
>front door of NSA for all the students and parents to consider prior to
>spending their money and their time in an unaccredited, employment agency
>for Wilson family members, and Christ Church elders.
>Rose Huskey
>"One cannot level one's moral lance at every evil in the universe. There
>just too many of them. But you can do something, and the difference between
>doing something and doing nothing is everything." Daniel Berrigan
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