[Vision2020] NSA zoning permit
Bill London
london at moscow.com
Tue Feb 1 11:22:05 PST 2005
After reading the blog posting from Doug Wilson, I was confused. Wilson
said that 2 years ago, NSA got an occupancy permit from the city.
Mike Curley, attorney for the 3 residents who filed the complaint with the
city about NSA's zoning violation, had said that NSA never got the necessary
occupancy permit.
So, I asked Mike to explain. His response is below.
They asked for a building permit. At the end of the building process the
> returned and gave them an occupancy permit--which is part of the building
code. Before
> one actually uses or occupies a space he has built or remodeled, the
building inspector
> should be called to give them an occupancy permit.
> There is a separate requirement for the Zoning Administrator (Joel) to
issue a Zoning
> Certificate. That was not done. And, if he followed the zoning law, he
couldn't have
> issued a zoning certificate anyway because "educational institutions" are
not allowed in
> the zone.
> It is somewhat confusing because if you have an occupancy permit, how can
you not be
> allowed to occupy? Well, because you need both. Here's the section on the
> certificate:
> Sec. 11-2. Zoning Certificates.
> A. Zoning Certificates Required:
> 1. It shall be unlawful to use or
> occupy or permit the use or occupancy
> of any building or premises, or both,
> or part thereof hereafter located,
> erected, constructed, reconstructed,
> enlarged, or changed in its use or
> structure until a zoning certificate has
> been issued therefor by the Zoning
> Administrator stating that the
> proposed use of the building or land
> conforms to the requirements of this
> Zoning Code.
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