[Vision2020] Doesn't Belong

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 15 09:07:33 PST 2005

Ms. Joan makes this comment:

"...large non-commercial schools do not belong in the CBD."

I agree with her statement for several reasons, but one of the main reasons 
is - the retail stores, the commercial schools, etc. open to the ENTIRE 
community and serve the ENTIRE community.  NSA is open to a VERY select 
group of people and serves only a VERY select group.  It is in no way, 
shape, or fashion a community oriented operation.  It certainly is not 
contributing to the coffers of the community while at the same time is using 
community resources.

Cleaning up the downtown area a few times in four years (I'm sorry, but just 
when and exactly where did that happen?) is NOT a good enough reason to keep 
an illegal operation going in the downtown area.  Holding a couple of blood 
drives is also NOT a good enough reason to keep an illegal operation going 
in the downtown area.  These activities, when they do occur, do so on a 
sporadic basis and are basically a "let's do something to appease the 
community and make it LOOK like we care" type of thing - sorta like marching 
out their token minority (the ONLY one that has ever attended and/or 
graduated) and saying "See, we do this."  Very false and very disingenuous 
to say the least.  (Nothing against that student - I happen to know he is a 
very good person.)

I still don't understand why Doug et al doesn't just buy a bit of property 
outside of the CBD and set up shop - forcing your way into someplace and 
forcing people to accept your bulling is no way to win converts or 

J  ;)

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