[Vision2020] Wayne has a question or 15!

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 27 00:30:03 PDT 2005


I will attempt to explain this in terms that you can

The BIBLE is REALLY REALLY clear on the things that
matter especially in ending human caused suffering.

If the Bible says, "Love they neighbor" and "Thou
shall not kill" and a self proclaimed follower of God
hates and then kills his neighbor it is not because
the Bible was "unclear" or that God was unable to
write in terms that anybody can understand, or that He
wished murder, suffering and hate. It was because the
person(s) chose to not follow what God said. 

Who cares where Heaven is, or the genetic lineage of
Jesus Christ? It does not change the fact that you are
suppose to love you neighbor as yourself and love God.

It does not follow that because someone is unclear
about what day Christ was born that they get confused
and go out an kill someone. Not being able to find
Heaven on Mapquest.com does not mean we do not know it
is wrong to steal.

How are each of the Ten Commandments evil and meant to
cause human suffering, Mr. Fox? And if they are not
designed to cause human suffering, how can you
logically claim that God is about human suffering?

Donovan J Arnold

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