[Vision2020] My last word on Prayer

Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com
Mon Aug 22 10:50:04 PDT 2005

It is not possible to take one passage of the bible to base no corporate
prayer on or any other subject. I like to sit down with a concordance and
write down every passage that talks about prayer, divorce, working with
others or any other subject that I am curious about what my behavior should
be. If you write down each passage you get an overall feel/knowledge about
what the book NOT just selected passages that you want to dwell on because
they seem to say what you want! You are not going to change my actions
toward corporate nor private prayer. So, your efforts to 'educate and
straghten me out' are useless. I do not consider you an educator or orator
of the Word of God. Especially if you are using the type of material in this
message.You might as well be using the material from the Phoenix project!

I can't be a Republican...I have always been gainfully employed!

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