[Vision2020] Public prayer on public money

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 12:41:02 PDT 2005

Now that Donovan has clarified for us the true subject of this
discussion, which is "allowing people to preform a task that is
important to their spiritual and emotional well being that does no
harm to anyone else," I feel enormously relieved.  You see, I was a
tad embarrassed at asking for equal time for the performance of a task
so terribly important to MY spiritual and emotional well-being,
namely, the preparation of cucumber sandwiches.

The step that most people miss in the assembly of cucumber sandwiches
is the subtle blending of the cream cheese, sour cream, chives, and
seasoning (salt and pepper only, if you are a purist).  If they get
the blending right, they forget to spread this mixture evenly on the
bread, or they forget to cut off the crusts, or the cutting of the
sandwich into triangles.  If these steps are not followed precisely,
then my spiritual and emotional well-being is ruined.

Now that I know that Donovan would not object to my public
cucumber-sandwich-making, I am inspired to request that others on this
list come out of the closet by revealing those tasks which contribute
to their spiritual and emotional well-being.  I have the intuition
that at least one person on this list finds spiritual and emotional
satisfaction by channelling the words of Andrew Jackson.

Please, don't be shy.  Just think, if we are all brave, we might be
able to devote a whole town meeting to the exchange of these
previously hidden spiritually and emotionally enriching tasks!  Speak
up!  Share with the rest of us!

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