[Vision2020] Quinlan

Phil Nisbet pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 7 22:36:44 PDT 2005

Tim wrote

“Doug is associated with Neo-Cons, Steve is too.”

>From Wikipedia on Neo Conservatives or Neocons;

“Compared to other U.S. conservatives, neoconservatives may be characterized 
by an aggressive moralist stance on foreign policy, a lesser social 
conservatism, and weaker dedication to a policy of minimal government, and a 
greater acceptance of the welfare state, though none of these qualities are 
necessarily requisite.”

So is Tim saying that Doug Wilson has a lesser stance on Social Conservative 
issues and is a supporter of a greater role for the welfare state?

On the one hand you have actual Neoconservatives who place a high value on 
international moral issues and interventionism, who are very often Jews, Log 
Cabin Republicans and the like and on the other you have Tim telling us that 
Doug is a bigot and gay basher and must be one of those evile Neocons.

So please tell us Tim, old son, which is it?  Is Doug Wilson a nasty old 
Neocon hanging out with Jews and Gays or is he a bigot who hates Jews, gays 
and Blacks?

Phil Nisbet

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