[Vision2020] A question for the lovely and talented Joan aka Auntie or any other writing type people on this forum

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 21:09:26 PDT 2005

> Tim,
> You are using the term neo-con incorrectly.  Check out:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoconservatism_%28United_States%29
> Dough Wilson doesn't not fit the neo-conservative definition. He is more
> correctly labeled a conservative or a social conservative.

The terms "conservative" and "liberal" only apply to those who agree
on the institution of democracy to settle their differences. When one
starts advocating a different sort of government altogether, like, for
instance, feudalism, one goes off the scale altogether.

Conservatives -- even as far to the right as Robertson and Falwell --
have certain beliefs about America, but can agree with Noam Chomsky
and Ralph Nader that the appropriate venue for those disagreements to
be expressed is our democracy. Doug and his ilk, all the way back to
the Phalangist R.J. Rushdoony believe that the appropriate venue for
the expression of their political discontent is resistance to, and, if
necessary armed revolt against the government. Democracy is useful
only insofar as it provides a convenient political venue to
disenfranchise those with whom they disagree.

I think that Doug and I could both agree on the term "theocrat" to
describe the form of government he advocates.

-- ACS

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