[Vision2020] A question for the lovely and talented Joan aka Auntie or any other writing type people on this forum

David M. Budge dave at davebudge.com
Sun Apr 24 13:50:22 PDT 2005


You are using the term neo-con incorrectly.  Check out:

Dough Wilson doesn't not fit the neo-conservative definition. He is more 
correctly labeled a conservative or a social conservative.

Beyond that I'll stay out of this.


Timothy Rigsby wrote:

>Ms. Joan or any other authors on this forum, Bill London included:
>I noticed that Moscow's favorite Neo-Con Christian author is re-releasing his book
>(can't italicize of underline here) Southern Slavery as it Was that he 
>co-authored/edited.  I see that he has changed the title from Southern Slavery to 
>either Black and Tan or Regenerate but Unreconstructed.  Is this a common thing for
>a writer to do when they re-release a second edition of a book?  I know that with
>college textbooks, when they change editions, the title generally stays the same.
>Could you provide some insight from a well-versed writer on the norm of a new edition
>of a book like Southern Slavery?
>P.S. We still have yet to meet and frankly I am kind of bummed.  Also, keep writing,
>you post such thought provoking emails on this forum.
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