[Vision2020] WHO IS CQE.... sorta answered

cjs cjs at turbonet.com
Sat Apr 23 20:58:29 PDT 2005

Thank you Tom for what their title stands for. However, we all already know that. We are more interested in their budget. Like where are they getting all this money to promote the bond passage? Most people say it is the Trail Foundation. If CQE would tell us that no it is not. A lot of us would be satisfied.


-----Original message-----
From: "Tom Hansen" thansen at moscow.com
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 19:40:24 -0700
To: "'cjs'" cjs at turbonet.com
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] WHO IS CQE.... sorta  answered

> No, Mr. Roderick.
> CQE is just what the title says they are:
> It consists of local citizens. 
> It has been in existence for at least three years that I know of.  I am sure
> that it has been around a lot longer. 
> Some are for the bond.  Some are against the bond.
> Some like root beer.  Some don't.
> Some think Budweiser tastes great.  Some think Budweiser is less filling.
> Their common interest is . . . Now this may come as a surprise to you (and
> others struggling with the English language) . . . QUALITY EDUCATION.
> Enough said, ok?
> Tom Hansen
> We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are
> dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors....but they all
> exist very nicely in the same box. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
> On Behalf Of cjs
> Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 6:27 PM
> To: VISION2020 at moscow.com
> Subject: [Vision2020] WHO IS CQE.... sorta answered
>  Brought to me off list....
> > CQE has members that are not in favor of the bond. BUt the organization
> has 
> > decided to take a side of pro bond. They are the ones going door to door, 
> > putting up those "Yes for Kids" signs, and sending out the flyers in favor
> > of the bond.
> > People send in money to CQE and CQE uses that money to fund the promoting
> of 
> > the bond. Many teachers, administrators, and MSD employees are members of 
> > CQE and are thus public employees acting on their own time to promote this
> > levy.
> > Where I have a problem is when CQE and the Facilities Planning Committee 
> > (FPC), a government organization, work together and plan and promote the 
> > bond.
> So it sounds like CQE is just a bunch of people that got together to promote
> the bond not during working hours. They don't report to anyone because they
> are not working directly with the school district. But the facilities
> committee is a government organization and therefore would have to report
> money they receive? So CQE was formed to collect money that is not
> reportable? I could be way off base here and if so, someone correct me,
> please. So does FPC have errors and ommission insurance? JUST ASKING!
> Phil 
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