[Vision2020] The Golden Rule

Scott Dredge sdredge at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 00:31:05 PDT 2005


Some time ago Douglas Wilson posted his opinions to
this site about how landlords should be allowed to
discriminate against homosexuals.  A few weeks after
that and continuing on his gay discrimination theme,
he wrote that if he owned a restaurant and a couple
was in his restaurant and acted gay, he would kick
them out of his restaurant.

In a frustrating attempt to try to get Doug Wilson to
look at himself in a mirror, I asked him how he would
feel to be discrimated against in a similar manner.

His response..."Scott Dredge asks (in effect) if I
would want to allow someone to be able to discriminate
against Christians with his rental properties. The
answer is, of course. If you give people liberty, some
people will sin with that liberty. That is one of the
costs of liberty.  However, I do not believe a
landlord should have the right to terminate a lease on
the basis of someone's faith if the renters had
completely kept the terms of the lease. But if I
applied for rental, and the fellow told me he didn't
rent to Jesus freaks, I would move on down the street,
and that right gladly. No lawsuits from me, nothing. I
would think to myself as I walked away, isn't it great
to live in a free country?"

And yet now we have Douglas Wilson posting several
articles to his BLOG about how unfairly he's being
treated.  The latest one is titled "Hostility and

Doug writes, "I am speaking with the Latah County
commissioners in mind. The Intoleristas' selectivity
and distaste is something they have every right to
express. What they do not have the right to ask, and
what the commissioners do not have the right to grant
even if they do ask, is to have their private
hostility made into public discrimination. To do so
would not just be an injustice, it would be an
expensive blunder."

I have no sympathy for someone like Doug who preaches
hostility and discrimation toward the gay community
and in return is subjected to hostility and
discrimination - and as a bonus he's bothered by this
treatment.  There is a lesson in all of this and
sadly, I don't believe Doug will ever learn it.


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