[Vision2020] MSD Salaries and Jack Wenders' advertisement

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Thu Apr 21 06:46:30 PDT 2005

I found myself fighting tears as I read Melynda's post below.

I have read no better endorsement, ever, for public education, nor can I 
imagine a group of professionals more worthy of such honor.  Frankly, words 
fail me -- but my prayers continue for every MSD staffer and I echo 
Melynda's profound gratitude for every one of them.

May they, and she, be richly blessed in ways far beyond what Wenders can 


From: "Melynda Huskey" <mghuskey at msn.com>
To: "Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: [Vision2020] MSD Salaries and Jack Wenders' advertisement
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 01:00:40 -0700

After seeing Jack Wenders' full page ad in the *Daily News*, I found myself 
wondering over my knitting, "Why?"

First of all, school district employees' salaries don't have anything to do 
with the upcoming levy--or any other matter of public conversation that I've 
been aware of.  So it's not clear what the context is.

Second, although district employees' salaries are a matter of public record 
(as was Jack's, back when he was working for the UI), in Moscow, we tend to 
avoid public discussion of other people's finances.  It's not polite.  And 
in a town this size (Vision 2020 to the contrary notwithstanding), 
discretion and courtesy aren't just niceties--they're necessities.  Nobody's 
dirty laundry is safe for long.

Third, if my impulses are even vaguely representative, the advertisement was 
not helpful to the anti-public education cause.  As I scanned the list, I 
saw the names of teachers like Nancy Ruth Peterson, who started me down the 
road to a Ph.D. in English and a deeply satisfying professional life, and 
Larry Verdal, who dragged me through ninth-grade algebra with infinite 
patience.  I saw Kristine Fitze, who welcomed our daughter to kindergarten, 
and to lifelong learning, with unmatchable skill, kindness, and creativity.  
Martha Zirker and Sue Bowe, luminously gifted third- and fourth-grade 
teachers; Carole Jones, who was the best resource-room teacher I've ever 
seen, back when my brothers were stretching her to the limits of her 
boundless capacities; Laurie Austin, who morning after morning greets 
hundreds of children and parents by name at the door of McDonald School.

As I looked at those names, and subtracted $6000 from every number in the 
"Cash Pay With Benefits" column (how many of us really count benefits as 
income?), I was abashed.  I know the hours these men and women work--because 
I've called them at home in the evenings to consult, to ask questions, to 
get advice.  I've seen them turn out for game after agonizing game, dance 
after idiotic dance, carwash after carnation sale after play rehearsal after 
band performance after Knowledge Bowl after Math Quest . . . I know what 
they spend out of their own pockets, and the time that they devote to their 
work.  They are not leeches on the body politic, for heaven's sake; they are 
our neighbors, friends, and colleagues.  And if I also saw a name or two I 
didn't remember so fondly--well, time heals all wounds, and I've given up 
expecting sainthood in every member of any profession.

If Jack Wenders intended to inflame my avaricious passions against these 
folks, he badly misjudged his audience.  I can only attribute his behavior 
to a rage against the district--and public education--so blind that he 
doesn't care what injuries he inflicts on himself or his community in the 
process of venting his spleen.

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