[Vision2020] previous statement

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Tue Apr 19 14:03:59 PDT 2005


Though we do not agree entirely on this issue, I am afraid you have gone a 
long ways over the edge.

Having been a public official and a member of a number of boards, and having 
tried to be responsive to those to whom I volunteered or was paid to serve 
regardless of their points of view, I think you are being overly (perhaps, 
emotionally unhealthily) critical of Keely.

Generally no public official can devote their lives to the questions and 
continued harassment by a small group of persons who vehemently disagree 
with them no matter what.  I think Keely has made an honest attempt to 
answer your and others' questions.  You may not like the answers or may not 
have understood them, but continual attacks on Keely's integrity do not 
place you in a favorable and, I think, a honest light.

Some of the points you have made resonate with many pro-education persons 
and will be considered (or would have been until your escalating rants have 
caused many, including myself who was originally anti-bond to lose faith in 
your objectivity) in making their decision on how to vote.  Having agreed or 
disagreed with you on several things in the past, it pains me to see you 
leap or be thrown over the edge on this issue -- it is not your opposition 
but how it has been executed.

Originally, I had some grave doubts about the bond issue and planned to vote 
against it.  A number of things changed my mind.

1.    Melynda Huskey said we can't all get what we want -- no one proposal 
is going to satisfy everyone.  There are things about the underlying 
pedagogical assumptions of the bond that I strongly disagree with from an 
economic, effectiveness, and observational basis.

2.    However, after reading your posts, and quite especially Donovan's 
posts (along with material written by Dale Courtney and Jack Wenders 
forwarded to me by others), I rethought my opposition to the bond based on 
the facts that were brought out in response to these bond critics and their 

I think the current bond proposal represents the best compromise available 
to us now.  Although public education is far from perfect and needs 
continual improvement, it does seem to work reasonably well in the Moscow 
School District.

As a citizen who pays property taxes in an amount well above the average 
homeowner, I have decided the risk of failing to provide adequate 
educational opportunities to district students, current and future, 
outweighs the risks of failing to have my tax money invested wisely.  Hence, 
my wife and I will now vote for the levy.

I want to thank you and especially Donovan for helping us decide.

I hope that in the future that when you decide to rally for or against some 
proposal you will return to doing it as thoughtfully as you have done in the 
past, and also will choose your allies with a great deal more care and with 
less naive faith in their integrity and lack of ego-involvement.


Wayne A. Fox
1009 Karen Lane
PO Box 9421
Moscow, ID  83843

(208) 882-7975
waf at moscow.com

---- Original Message ----- 
From: "cjs" <cjs at turbonet.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:49 PM

> The "whistle blower law " will protect you in any way shape or form 
> needed. Don't go out with the tide.
> Your district attorney has a few life jackets left.
> Phil

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "cjs" <cjs at turbonet.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Cc: <smmclure at dnews.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:36 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] previous statement

> ".......... As for your not getting your phone calls returned, I can't 
> imagine . . ."
> keely
> Keely,
> This is not an acceptable answer fom a public official. Again, please 
> refer to the statement I earlier quoted from Thomas Jefferson in referance 
> to the government running the public. The public is always to run the 
> government. If the elected official cannot do their official duties maybe 
> that official should dismiss themselves.
> Phil
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