[Vision2020] Upcoming concert

Bill London london at moscow.com
Sat Apr 16 10:16:45 PDT 2005

  Works of four contemporary composers will be featured on a concert at the Lionel Hampton School of Music next Thursday, April 21. The work of U.I. faculty composers will be represented by a new flute sonata by Dan Bukvich and two electronic works by Robert Dickow:  Sampler I and "The Insectivora Honor Their Dead."  In addition, Barbara Kolb's Hommage to Keith Jarrett and Gary Burton, for marimba and flute, and a movement from George Crumb's "Songs, Drones, and Refrains of Death will be on the program.  This last work is performed by the U.I. New Music Ensemble joined by baritone Chris Thompson of the U.I. faculty.  

  The free performance is at 8 PM in the Hampton School of Music Recital Hall.

  Auditorium Chamber Music Series
  Mary DuPree, Director
  Robin Ohlgren-Evans, Program Coordinator
  University of Idaho
  Moscow, Idaho  83844-4015
  tel: 208-885-7557
  email: chmusic at uidaho.edu
  website: www.class.uidaho.edu/concerts

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