[Vision2020] To Ted on Bush's Brain

Donovan Arnold donovanarnold at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 14 17:40:45 PDT 2004

Ted your right, $5 is not the issue. My point with that email is that these 
movies serve no purpose to persuade the public against Bush. They only 
really serve to unite the anti-Bush movements and most importantly, make 
money for some people. Michael Moore even, remember, didn't back Gore in 
2000, he was heavily behind Nader, so is in part responsible for the rise of 

The solution here I think is not to focus on the controversial issues that 
are only controversial between the right and left. What you need to do is 
focus on the issues that are controversial to people on the right. We need 
to undermine Bush's support, not worry about solidifying the anti-Bush 
people's opposition to Bush.

People will not believe that Bush was well connected to the Bin Laudins. 
They don't want to except that, so to them it isn't true. They don't care 
either if we go to war and kill every Arab in the world, to many, that is 
justifiable to protect the US. What you have to do is talk about what does 
matter to right wing fundamentalists and drive a wedge between them and 

I would say focus on the issue of Bush supporting and financially paying for 
three abortions of girlfriends in the past. I would focus on the fact that 
he cheated in school, and that he isn't really against gay equality. Paint 
Bush as a tax and spend social liberal mismanaging the country's finances 
and sending us into unrecoverable deficit. He wants to spend 100's of 
billions overseas to solve other countries social problems and needs while 
leaving us venerable to terrorist attack here at home. He is a bleeding 
heart liberal that just cares about everyone but the people at home. Bush is 
spending YOUR money for schools overseas while cutting funds for students at 

I see lots of areas we can attack Bush on the right and the left. Because 
Bush really isn't a conservative, he is Nationalist.

Take Care,

Donovan J Arnold

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