[Vision2020] MCA Debates

Melynda Huskey mghuskey at msn.com
Fri Oct 22 09:08:27 PDT 2004

Hold on a minute!  I read Lois' letter in an entirely different light than 
Jeff did, and I'm disturbed by his reponse.

Rather than an indictment of the Lions Club, or a denunciation- of a 
particular candidate, I read Lois' question in this way:  why is the local 
Republican establishment so quick to boycott, malign, and insult one civic 
organization's candidate forum, while seeing no conflict of interest in 
having a *candidate* organize a similar forum for another civic 
organization?  Why the double standard?  Why is it acceptable for Barrett 
Schroeder to make a baseless and false accusation about the MCA--that it's 
simply an (elaborate and expensive) front for Mark Solomon's friends and 
family, but ethically bankrupt for Lois to call him on it?

And as long as we're on the subject of ethical behavior, why does Tom Trail 
think that being a Christian is a qualification for elected office?  I 
notice that his campaign materials list that fact prominently, right beside 
his Ph.D.  I can only conclude that he'd like to call attention to the fact 
that his opponent is Jewish--which I find truly despicable--and that he 
believes Christians are better qualified to serve in government than members 
of other religions, which is repulsive.

Until this year, I have had some respect for the local Republicans--Tom 
Trail has done the best job he could, I believe, and I've voted for him in 
the past.  I supported Gary Schroeder against Greg Vance in the primaries.  
But the actions taken by the Republican party during this campaign have 
brought me up short.

Moscow Republicans are obviously taking a leaf out of the national 
playbook--smear recklessly and avoid substantive debate at all costs:  I 
wonder if they'll find that approach works in such a small town?  I know I 
won't be crossing party lines again in a hurry.

Melynda Huskey

Melynda Huskey

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