[Vision2020] Last Night's Debate

Joan Opyr auntiestablishment at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 1 14:18:13 PDT 2004

Dear Scott, dear Tom, dear Visionaries:

I cannot buy a Ti-Vo.  I cannot buy light bulbs from the disabled, cookies from Girl Scouts, or wrapping paper from Moscow schoolchildren.  I am sending my entire penny jar to the Kerry campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the Progressive Majority, MoveOn.org, People for the American Way, and that nice Shirley Ringo, who just sent me a SASE requesting a modest donation.   

As far as missing shows on television is concerned, I care about none but The Daily Show, Are You Being Served?, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Trailer Park Boys (on the BBC).  Not enough to justify a TiVo; not really enough to justify Dish Network.  Though sometimes, late at night, when I'm suffering from insomnia, I flip to the Discovery Channel in hopes of catching one of their plastic-surgery-gone-wrong shows.  Breast implants that wind up looking like puff-ball mushrooms; penile implants that end up giving their bearer the nickname "Captain Hook" -- I love this stuff.  When I'm not watching TV for laughs, I'm watching it for the schadenfreude.  Otherwise, I prefer a good book.  At the moment, I'm enjoying Molly Ivins' Bushwhacked which, thanks to my joining the Quality Paperback Book Club, cost me only a dollar.   

Gotta love that QPB: five bucks, five books, no commitment.  Kind of like Mr. Bush -- only add 27 million more moo-lahs.

Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment         

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 1:50 PM
To: Scott Dredge; Vision2020 Moscow
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Last Night's Debate

Yeah.  Joan can spend all that mmoney, time, and effort.  Or she can simply get  
to her TV set twenty minutes earlier.

Remember.  These are the Bush years.  You may need that money to support  
the "war effort".

Today Iraq.  Tomorrow Peru.


> Joan,
> Catch up with the times and get a TiVo!  I have two
> dual-tuner direct TiVos and upgraded both of them with
> extra hard drives (106 hours on one and 126 hours on
> the second) and I've even hacked in a wireless network
> card on one of them.  But the important point is that
> you would no longer miss the Daily Show...ever.  And
> you could watch it at your own convenience and even
> skip through all the commercials.
> -Scott
> --- Joan Opyr <auntiestablishment at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >  
> > But moving on, I'm hoping to catch a repeat of Jon
> > Stewart's Daily Show coverage of the debate, as I
> > missed the first twenty minutes.  I understand it
> > was hilarious, and speaking of which, I'm forwarding
> > Betty Bowers', America's Best Christian, take on the
> > debate.  She points out something I think most of
> > the pundits have missed in all the talk of John
> > Kerry's mysterious "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"
> > tan: Mr. Bush seems to have dyed his hair.  Sometime
> > in the last week or so, his gray locks have turned
> > fetchingly blonde.  The anti-gay marriage amendment
> > ban failed in the House, so perhaps Kyan Douglas
> > relented and helped Mr. Bush with his do?  No quid
> > pro quo, just tit-for-tat.
> >  
> > Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
> >  
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