[Vision2020] New Abu Ghraib pictures

Tbertruss@aol.com Tbertruss@aol.com
Wed, 12 May 2004 18:13:06 EDT

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Apparently Rush is unaware that some fraternity hazing incidents have 
resulted in death, and would be considered torture if committed against detainees in 
a prison.

As had been pointed out, US prisons have mistreatment of prisoners that 
should be inducing the same moral outrage as the abuse in Iraq.  Though many people 
want to distance themselves from the Iraq prison abuse, the cruel mentality 
revealed in this conduct is far closer to home than the pious and patriotic 
flag wavers would prefer.  The US has a cultural history of cruelty and violence 
against people, whether Native Americans, Blacks, or just an endorsement of 
guns and violence as a solution to human conflict of many kinds.  This is 
reflected in the high rates of assault and battery and rape in the US, at a much 
higher rate than many other western democracies.  And is also refected in the 
cruel hazing incidents that occur in the US even at the high school level.  
Remember that story in the news recently about the high school girls who were 
forced to eat feces as a initiation of some sort?  Ah well, it will toughen them 

Rush must be a follower of the "boys will be boys" philosophy that would 
sanction "good ol'boys" violence winked at by the insiders to our "cultural mob."

Ted Moffett

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Apparently Rush is unaware that some fraternity hazing incidents have result=
ed in death, and would be considered torture if committed against detainees=20=
in a prison.<BR>
As had been pointed out, US prisons have mistreatment of prisoners that shou=
ld be inducing the same moral outrage as the abuse in Iraq.&nbsp; Though man=
y people want to distance themselves from the Iraq prison abuse, the cruel m=
entality revealed in this conduct is far closer to home than the pious and p=
atriotic flag wavers would prefer.&nbsp; The US has a cultural history of cr=
uelty and violence against people, whether Native Americans, Blacks, or just=
 an endorsement of guns and violence as a solution to human conflict of many=
 kinds.&nbsp; This is reflected in the high rates of assault and battery and=
 rape in the US, at a much higher rate than many other western democracies.&=
nbsp; And is also refected in the cruel hazing incidents that occur in the U=
S even at the high school level.&nbsp; Remember that story in the news recen=
tly about the high school girls who were forced to eat feces as a initiation=
 of some sort?&nbsp; Ah well, it will toughen them up!<BR>
Rush must be a follower of the "boys will be boys" philosophy that would san=
ction "good ol'boys" violence winked at by the insiders to our "cultural mob=
Ted Moffett</FONT></HTML>
