[Vision2020] Troubling comments

Tbertruss@aol.com Tbertruss@aol.com
Tue, 11 May 2004 19:15:15 EDT

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This is a critical point you raise.  While we weaken habeas corpus rights 
here in the US with the Patriot Act, etc., in Iraq, many of the "detainees," 
rounded up with brutal methods of home invasion and assault, are separated from 
their families and are disappeared, in effect, with no habeas corpus rights.  
Their loved ones cannot find out where they are, or what is happening to them, 
or what they are charged with.  And this is happening to many who are innocent 
of any serious crime.  How are we setting an example for a democratic future 
for Iraq if we do not honor one of the fundamental rights of a democratic 
justice system, that of habeas corpus?

In fact we are not setting an example for a democratic future for Iraq and 
the way the wind is blowing, the Bush administration is not setting a good 
example here in the US either.  Now about those secret "sneak and peek" searches 
that that government has no obligation of telling anyone about...

Ted Moffett

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This is a critical point you raise.&nbsp; While we weaken habeas corpus righ=
ts here in the US with the Patriot Act, etc., in Iraq, many of the "detainee=
s," rounded up with brutal methods of home invasion and assault, are separat=
ed from their families and are disappeared, in effect, with no habeas corpus=
 rights.&nbsp; Their loved ones cannot find out where they are, or what is h=
appening to them, or what they are charged with.&nbsp; And this is happening=
 to many who are innocent of any serious crime.&nbsp; How are we setting an=20=
example for a democratic future for Iraq if we do not honor one of the funda=
mental rights of a democratic justice system, that of habeas corpus?<BR>
In fact we are not setting an example for a democratic future for Iraq and t=
he way the wind is blowing, the Bush administration is not setting a good ex=
ample here in the US either.&nbsp; Now about those secret "sneak and peek" s=
earches that that government has no obligation of telling anyone about...<BR=
Ted Moffett<BR>