[Vision2020] Water rates
Dan Carscallen
Tue, 11 May 2004 06:11:23 -0700
The worry I see is not that the city may be expecting a windfall from
the "high tier" users paying more, but the idea that if the rates go up,
there will be less usage resulting in less revenue coming in by the
"mid-tier" users. While I'm all for saving water however you can, it's
like the city is pricing itself out of the water business (not sure if
that's the best description, but I hope my thought comes across). The
same thing has been and will be felt by local taxing districts who
depend on state motor users funds (gas tax money) for their funding.
The price of gas goes up, people buy less gas, less gas tax paid, less
money for local projects.
It's a vicious circle, and I don't know if there's a real solution that
would work "perfectly"
-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-admin@moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-admin@moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Donovan Arnold
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:41 PM
To: jsullivan@moscow.com; vision2020@moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Water rates
Ms. Sullivan,
I don't think the City Council is raising rates with the expectation of
increasing revenue for the City. I think they are hoping people will
consumption of water and invest in water saving devices. So any revenue
raised will most likely be considered a windfall, rather than budgeted
revenue for city expenses. We are all wasteful in some way, at least, I
I could curve my consumption, and I like to consider myself normal in
respects. This will hopefully make us think of ways to comsume less like
I want to say on a personal note that it is awesome that you use water
saving devices in your home and yard. Thank you for respecting the
environment and your community!
Donovan J Arnold
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