[Vision2020] Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief', Say Former Military
Carl Westberg
Mon, 03 May 2004 09:26:36 -0700
Yet another nasty turn in what is likely to be the nastiest presidential
campaign in history? I wonder if this increasing barrage of punches and
counter-punches really has that much of an effect on the electorate? I saw
a pollster on the Newshour on PBS last week who didn't think there would be
too much shifting one way or the other. Many of us, including myself, have
already made up our minds who we're voting for in November. Unless John
Kerry can be proven to have been the second gunman on the grassy knoll in
Dallas, he'll still get my vote. With apologies to Dick Vitale, "Anybody
but Bush, baby!".
Carl Westberg
>From: "Dick Schmidt" <dickschmidt@moscow.com>
>To: <vision2020@moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief', Say Former
>Military Colleagues
>Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 09:13:11 -0700
>This is on the Drudge Report. Facts or dirty politics?
>Dick Schmidt
>Kerry 'Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief', Say Former Military Colleagues
>By Marc Morano
>CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
>May 03, 2004
>(CNSNews.com) - Hundreds of former commanders and military colleagues of
>presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry are set to declare in a signed
>letter that he is "unfit to be commander-in-chief." They will do so at a
>press conference in Washington on Tuesday.
>"What is going to happen on Tuesday is an event that is really historical
>in dimension," John O'Neill, a Vietnam veteran who served in the Navy as a
>PCF (Patrol Craft Fast) boat commander, told CNSNews.com . The event, which
>is expected to draw about 25 of the letter-signers, is being organized by a
>newly formed group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
>"We have 19 of 23 officers who served with [Kerry]. We have every
>commanding officer he ever had in Vietnam. They all signed a letter that
>says he is unfit to be commander-in-chief," O'Neill said.
>O'Neill, currently a Houston, Texas, based attorney, is no stranger to
>Kerry. O'Neill served in the same naval unit as Kerry and commanded Kerry's
>swift boat after Kerry returned to the United States. Kerry's command of
>the PCF boat lasted four months and ended shortly after he received his
>third Purple Heart. According to naval regulations at the time, any sailor
>who received three Purple Hearts could request a transfer out of the combat
>Kerry and O'Neill engaged in a nationally televised debate in 1971 on The
>Dick Cavett Show over Kerry's allegations that many Vietnam soldiers had
>routinely engaged in atrocities such as raping and cutting off ears and
>heads of Vietnamese soldiers and citizens. Kerry was the then spokesman for
>the anti-war group Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
>"We are going to be presenting a letter that deals with Kerry's unfitness
>to be commander and chief that has been signed by hundreds of swift boat
>sailors, including most of those who served with Kerry," O'Neill explained
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