[Vision2020] New Report Details Iraq Deceptions

thansen@moscow.com thansen@moscow.com
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 17:41:09 GMT

BushRecall.org Alert - New Report Details Bush Administration's Iraq Deceptions
Normally news of a Bush administration deception on the issue of Iraq wouldn't 
be enough to warrant a BushRecall special alert - we'd clog your e-mail inbox 
faster than prescription drugs deals and inheritance offers from Nigerian 
But this e-mail isn't regarding one misleading statement. It's regarding 237 of 

That's the total number of deceptive statements regarding the Iraq War made by 
President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, 
Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, 
according to a new report compiled by the Democratic staff of the House 
Government Reform Committee and released Tuesday.
The report was completed at the request of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), who said 
that the findings illustrated a "systematic distortion of the intelligence on 
Iraq," and indicated that the matter should be subject to further investigation.
Here's a brief excerpt:

"Because of the gravity of the subject and the President's unique access to 
classified information, members of Congress and the public should expect the 
President and his senior officials to take special care to be balanced and 
accurate in describing national security threats. It does not appear, however, 
that President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary 
Powell, and National Security Advisor Rice met this standard in the case of 
Iraq. To the contrary, these five officials repeatedly made misleading
statements about the threat posed by Iraq." 
You can read the full report here: http://www.bushrecall.org/ctt.asp 
(Note: Requires Adobe Reader for viewing)

BushRecall.org is dedicated to bringing you the latest information about this
administration's missteps and deceptions. This issue is far too important to be 
kept under wraps, so please forward this to a friend - heck, get a sense of the 
size of the number and forward it to 237 of them.

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